Monday, October 29, 2012

The Day Has Arrived

I always dreamed of the day but never really thought it would happen. But it has.


I've resigned from my day job and starting next Monday, will be a full-time fiction author.

It has taken 10 years, thousands of hours, lots of shortened holidays, lost weekends, no vacations and limited time for friends and family, but all that hard work will finally pay off.

I can't be more excited. I have so many ideas that I haven't had the time to work on. Not that you can write fiction for 10 hours a day, but still. No more getting dressed for the office. No more commuting through 50 school zones with 20 bored cops. No more office politics.

It's a dream come true.

So what about you? Do you have a dream? If you weren't slaving away for "the man" or wiping noses and bottoms, what would you want to be doing?

And for all our friends on the east coast, please keep safe!!!!!!

Deadly (Dreamin') DeLeon


Tori Lennox said...


Unknown said...


I always figured when I'm able to retire, I would still like to do totally something different. Starting knitting a few years ago, and would love to work in a little shop (dreaming would be somewhere in small town on east coast)

Unknown said...


I always figured when I'm able to retire, I would still like to do totally something different. Starting knitting a few years ago, and would love to work in a little shop (dreaming would be somewhere in small town on east coast)

catslady said...

Congratulations and best wishes!!

Jana DeLeon said...

Thanks, Tori!!!

Sabrina - I think that's an excellent idea. I'm not ready to retire yet, not sure if I ever will be as long as I can write. :)

Thanks, catslady!!!

Brandy said...

Congratulations on a dream come true! If my dream came true I'd be living in a home in the mountains with my family and teaching yoga.

Robin Kaye said...

If my dream came true, I'd be writing from a gorgeous cabin in Stanley, Idaho and a sweet place in the foothills of Boise, I'd also have time to knit, weave, and spin--none of which I've had time to do since forever!