It's official - Thanksgiving must have been kidnapped. (Hey, I write mysteries. I get to be dramatic). Why kidnapped, you wonder?????? Well, you don't really have to wonder. The evidence is all around you. Remember last month when everything was orange and black? Pumpkins, ghosts, scary spiders and creatures hulking in doorways......candy with black and orange wrappers, black and orange streamers in your co-workers cubicle. Yeah, you remember - it was Halloween. Halloween is cool and fun and it's always interesting to see what people do for that holiday.
But then I noticed that the pumpkin patches disappeared, the streamers came down, and everywhere I looked, read and green with flashy gold and silver began to take its place. The radio began playing Jingle Bells and such (and since it was still 85 degrees in Texas, it seemed a bit out of place). So WHAT, I ask you.......happened to Thanksgiving?
I remember the old days (I'm not that darned young), when you used to do all your Christmas fare the day after Thanksgiving. I'm not sure if it was a fine way to work off all the turkey and pie from the day before, but hey, it was a tradition. It was the biggest shopping day of the year. A lot of people are off work, so everywhere you looked men were out in yards hanging lights under the careful direction of women with taste. Fall decorative items, like haystacks, scarecrows, pumpkins, corn and all those pretty fall leaf wreaths came down and in their place went up the red and green.
Not so this year. It's like Thanksgiving doesn't exist. And that is a very bad thing. C'mon, Thanksgiving is a great holiday. What could possibly be wrong with a four-day weekend and a holiday that centers around eating??????? Are we really going to let the retailers take over our lives and push Christmas back yet another month? And where does it stop? Are they going to assasinate the Easter Bunny next year and claim he's outdated? What about Fourth of July - have we been celebrating freedom long enough?
At the rate we're going, the entire year is going to be a red and green technicolor event. Which would please cats to no end since they finally get a whole year of a colorful world. But I'm not so sure it would please me.
I like Thanksgiving. I like having four days off work - one of which I plan to write, write, write, with. I like the fried turkey and dressing and pies and football after eating. I like that I don't have to think up gifts and fight people at the mall to buy them for Thanksgiving.
So please put away your pretty red balls and gold streamers and wait just a few more days. Thanksgiving is a great holiday, and we ought to remember that!
Deadly DeLeon
Monday, November 19, 2007
The Mystery of the Missing Thanksgiving
Posted by
Jana DeLeon
6:47 AM
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Well, in Canada our Thanksgiving was last month so it doesn't get mixed with the Christmas hoopla but then it doesn't seem to get the big play here either. I think we should have a month of Thanksgiving. People need to be more thankful and although I love Christmas, it is often NOT a thankful holiday, more of a gimme gimme holiday :)
You are absolutely right, Jana! I enjoy Thanksgiving much more than Halloween.
I find it interesting that every single one of the Today Show hosts cited Thanksgiving as their favorite holiday. They said they enjoyed it because it was one of the last uncorrupted ones. It's always been my favorite too. But I think it has more to do with pie than any marketing ploys. Hope everyone has a great one!
I wanted everyone to know I received my copy of Unlucky from my blog win earlier this month - can't wait to start it - thanks so much.
We were hearing Christmas commericals two weeks before Halloween - my husband and I mute the tv immediately and it does exactly the opposite of what they expect - it just makes me NOT want to buy from them. Every year it's earlier and earlier.
Amen! I love Christmas, but c'mon! Let's have Thanksgiving first, people!
Thanksgiving is my favoritest! It's all of the family and food and good times without any of the road rage, crowded parking lots, and suburban soccer moms fighting over Wiis.
Have a wonderful holiday!
Amen, Jana.
How about we go round us up a few kidnappers, and make 'em pay!
Crime Scene Christie
You know, the florists in my neighborhood already have out the poinsettias and the grocery stores have the foil wrapped chocolate Santas out and I'm in EGYPT!!
As much as I like to have poinsettia at the holidays I will not buy one until at least December 1st and my fall theme decorations will stay out until that time.
PS - I'm a daredevil - I have pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving AND Christmas :)
Oooo....congrats Catslady on your book win!
I definitely agree with you all. Thanksgiving is a fantastic holiday! I can't stand it when they start playing Christmas carols before Halloween. ARGH!!!!!
It makes me cringe! I mean, I live in the north and we try to hold on to our warm weather as long as we can. To put Christmas music on when it is still warm out before Halloween is just down right rude!
I totally agree. Today I saw a bunch of Christmas stuff at Walgreens. What the crap?? What happened to Thanksgiving!
Hi Wendy - Sad isn't it, although I feel the same way sometime. It's like people forgot the real reason for the Christmas celebration.
Hi Susan - I love candy, but I am a sucker for home-baked goods and fried turkey! :)
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I refuse to even look at Christmas decorations and such until the day after Thanksgiving.
Hi Leah! That's cool that they selected Thanksgiving! I totally agree that it's the most uncorrupted. (and the pie is nothing to sneeze at either)
catslady - I totally agree with you. It seems to have the opposite of the intended effect on me also. Oh well, guess it works on the masses.
Well, Tori, I'm having my Thanksgiving first! :)
Hi Bethany - God save us all from suburban soccer moms. :)
Christie - I'm up for it. Let's round up Texas first then branch out! :)
Jenyfer! This is a dismaying state of affairs. Even in Egypt!!!????
LOL on the pumpkin pie!
deseng - I totally agree. It's very hard to listen to White Chrismtas and songs about sleighs when it's 80 degrees outside - as it is right now in Dallas. I know we don't get real snow here, but darn, can't it at least drop below 70 before we even start pretending to have winter?????
Wendy - my local Walgreens had Christmas stuff going up right next to the Halloween clearance. Jeesh.
Hi estella - Me either! I will put up my tree on Friday and not a day before!
Jana, that's insane! The one I go used the exact SAME place they had halloween costumes for christmas stuff. The whole thing is just nuts, lol.
With Thanksgiving, no one is looking for presents. It's all about a family gathering and the food on the table.
Hope that you are not too disappointed on Thanksgiving. The yard and the formal dining room still look like Thanksgiving but the rest of the house is decorated for Christmas.:) I'm sure that the fried turkey and chocolate pie will still taste the great.:) Mom
LOL, Mom - as long as there's 4-layer pie, I think it will be okay. :)
LOL, Jana! You've made the perfect observation! I say we fight for Turkey Day back. haha. :)
A few years ago I remember hearing Christmas music the weekend before Thanksgiving and it annoyed me to no end. Get through one holiday before you move on to the next one! This year, they were playing Christmas music the day after Halloween.
Hi dru - You're absolutely right! I think Thanksgiving has become more of the family gathering that is about family than Christmas is now. Which is sad.
Hi Kelly - I'm ready for a's been a while. :)
I know, Lucy! That's what got me so riled up. I just don't get it. Thanksgiving is a great holiday. Don't get me wrong...I love Christmas, but pretty soon we'll be starting it in July.
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