So much going on right now. All the new television shows started up, it went from 70 to 100 overnight here in Texas, I'm working on another Intrigue, and my second releases in a couple of weeks. Just in time for July 4th reading!
I have to say, I am thoroughly enjoying television right now. So You Think You Can Dance, Master Chef and America's Got Talent are all entertaining the heck out of me. I think SYTYCD may be my all time favorite reality show. Well, maybe Hell's Kitchen, but it's a close race. I love watching the people dance. It's fascinating to me to see the fluid movement when I know it's taking so much strength and technique. Yet they appear as if they're floating. And I love seeing the street dancers catch on to the different disciplines despite not having the years of teaching behind them. It always reminds me how a certain level of talent is just in the bones.
With a new contract and new release, and an idea simmering for a proposal of a completely different genre, I have found more and more need to make the most of my writing time. So when one of my best friends was telling me how bad her focus was and how she fixed it, I was all ears. She tried this soundwave thingie (that's the official explanation). It's an audio file that is supposed to mimic the rhythm of brain waves when you're focusing. So by listening to it, your brain will shift into focus mode.
I asked for the link, paid the $40 and gave it a whirl.
I have to say, for me, it actually works. It actually works really, really well. So well, in fact, that my pulse rate and blood pressure go up when I'm listening to it. And my output for an hour of writing literally doubles. So for me, it's the best $40 I've spent lately.
It works for my friend, but without the physical side effects. It put a co-worker to sleep - NOT the desire effect. But it just goes to show that all our bodies are different and different things work on different people.
So for anyone who's interested in this sort of thing, here's a link. It's called Laser Focus.
So what are you guys up to for the summer? Watching any of the new lineup of reality shows?
Deadly (Newly Focused) DeLeon
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Monday Madness
Posted by
Jana DeLeon
6:52 PM
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I love SYTYCD with a passion. And I love the set up this year of getting a full top 20 and still getting the All Stars. Though some of the cuts were heartbreaking.
I got hooked on The Voice but it's not living up to the promise of the first couple shows. In fact, it's gotten worse every week. Guess I'll stick it out, but we'll see.
My kiddo makes her summer exodus this weekend and then it's all me for ten weeks. I plan to get this rough draft finished. So maybe I should check out that link. Thanks!
And good luck with the new proposal!
Doubled your output? Wow! I'm going to try it!
I'm on my last "easy" week until the end of July. I only have to drive a few hours down to Norfolk to give a presentation on Wed. Next week is my daughter's modeling gig, dance dress rehearsals and dance recital, followed up by company party. Then I need to prep for her to compete in Orlando at a national dance competition. Hubby and I are switching off at the end of that week, so I can go to London for work and he can follow her around Disney while her dance company performs. When that is all done, she'll go to art camp for a week and I'll go to San Diego for work. We've got a special dinner planned for her and a friend at the new American Girl bistro, followed up by our annual pool party/bbq. I'm hoping to get a week or two respite in early/mid August while she is at soccer camp before the real vacation in San Fran (oh yeah, and I have to go to Austin for a conference for the 3 days before I leave on vacation!). Then it'll be back to school. My summer is overscheduled and I'm exhausted just thinking about it. TV?? what's that???
Terri - Ten weeks of freedom? I'm jealous! You can get all sorts of things done.
I'm not sure about the format change on SYTYCD. I think if you get stuck with the wrong partner, you're screwed. But maybe they'll pair them up where it benefits everyone. I hope.
Diane - it works on me. And several other people I've told about it, but I know of one at least that it didn't work for. So individual mileage varies, but it's certainly worth giving a whirl. :)
kris - If I were you, I'd pack a bag and disappear. Seriously, I was exhausted just reading that!
This is our first year of watching America's Got Talent and we've been enjoying it. Though the show I'm most looking forward to watching returns tomorrow night-Memphis Beat on TNT.
Brandy - I've never watched Memphis Beat. I may have to check it out.
I've got a bunch of cassette tapes (that tells you how long ago I bought them) from Brain Sync which always worked for me. Not sure why I stopped using them. Now I need them for my iPod. :)
And I'll second Brandy's mention of Memphis Beat. Of course the fact I used to live in Memphis is part of the reason I love it. :)
Tori - try out the link I posted. You can buy the sound in ipod format. :)
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