Welcome to the first stop on my HOLLYWOOD CONFESSIONS Blog Tour! For the next two weeks I’ll be hopping all over the blogosphere posting snippets and stories about my latest release, as well as giving out freebies and prizes at every stop – including Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble gift cards, free books, cameo appearances in an upcoming book, Hollywood Headlines collectibles, and more! So be sure to check out all the tour stops on my website and come by each day to enter for a new prize! (Some days, like today, I have more than one stop and will be giving away more than one prize!)
Since this is my first stop, and my home turf blog, I thought I’d start off by talking a little bit about the Hollywood Headlines series and how it came about. I always love getting insight into other writers’ creative process, so here’s a bit about mine…
In 2007 I was just finishing up what was, at the time, the last book in my High Heels series, and my editor sent me an email asking if I had any ideas about what I wanted to write next. God bless her for wanting a “next” book from me, so I sat down for some power brainstorming. One of my biggest challenges with the previous High Heel series was continuing a romance series with the same hero and heroine in each book… and keeping the romance fresh five books into it! So with the new series, I decided I wanted to play with different heroines in different books, but all connected somehow.
My first idea was to have them all work for a fashion magazine. But, as my editor pointed out, writers for Vouge don’t necessarily come across many dead bodies. It would be hard to work the mystery angle into that setting. A very good point. So, I went for a newspaper instead. I came up with three feisty investigative reporter characters who would be my main heroines in each of the three planned books, and one tough-as-nails managing editor lady to oversee them all. My editor loved the three heroines… but the editor thing seemed over done. Reluctantly, I had to agree. Back to the drawing board.
At the same time my last High Heels book came out, and I got more reader mail with that book than I ever had before, the bulk of it about the jilted lover at the end of my High Heels series, Felix Dunn. Poor Felix had been in love with Maddie Springer since the second Heels book, but seemed destined to be the nice tabloid reporter who never gets the girl. Personally, I’ve always had a soft spot for Felix. He’s a refined guy in a wrinkled suit, a millionaire several times over who still drives a beat up car, and the type of guy who would let the love of his life marry someone else if he thought that was what would make her happiest.

I hope you check out HOLLYWOOD CONFESSIONS, and please drop me a line to let me know how you like it!
And to kick off the blog tour right - and catch up any readers who hate starting with book #3 in a series - I’m giving away the first two books in the Hollywood Headlines series FREE to every single one of you!! Just go to Smashwords.com and type in the following promo codes at checkout:
You can download in a variety of different ebook formats for just about any ereader, or for easy reading right on your pc or mac.
Happy Reading!
~ Trigger Happy Halliday
Going directly to Amazon.com and downloading Hollywood Confessions. Really enjoyed the first two (got them when they were under their original titles). Excited to read this one. Hope your tour is enjoyable and fruitful.
Oh my word this sounds awesome! I'm going straight over to download the books. Best of luck with the rest of the blog tour!
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
I'm going to read these first two and then get my copy of the third. Thank you so much!
Yay! Felix gets a girl! *g*
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