Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Conversation with My Thirteen Year Old

Me: How was school?

Her: Unnnnh.

Me: Anything happen today?

Her: Unnnnnh.

Me: What did you have for lunch?

Her: Unnnnh (rolls her eyes - like I know what that means).

Mr. Assassin Enters, Stage Left

Him: Hey Meg! How was school?

Her: Awesome! (Names have been changed to protect the stupid) Brian talked to Sally today! Can you believe it? And Mr. S. gave me a solo in jazz band! And Annie wants me to spend the night Friday...and I took a test and think I got an "A"...and the coach gave me the sign up sheet for track camp this summer...and I'm all out of eyeliner...

Me: Y0u need me to take you to Sephora to get eyeliner?

Her: Unnnnnh (followed by double eye roll).


The Assassin


Hellie Sinclair said...

Ungrateful little gits. After all those hours in labor and pushing out a watermelon through a lemon hole--and this is what you get? What is up with that?

Oh, yes, teenage-hood.

You're screwed.

Terri Osburn said...

I see my future in these words. Except there is no Mr. Bo'sun to enter from any direction, so she'll have to share with the cat.

Leslie Langtry said...

So, this stuff only lasts a few months...right?

Hellie Sinclair said...

Yeah, Leslie, no worries. It'll only last 72 months. You can handle that right?

Leslie Langtry said...

Okay, but I'll need a LOT of valium and martinis.

Terri Osburn said...

Not to depress you, but I called my mother Captain Obvious just last night. I'll be 40 this year.

So yeah, just a few months.

krisgils33 said...

Conversations with my 9-yr old have been like that for quite awhile. I'm guessing I should just accept my fate now. Right?

Leslie Langtry said...

There must be something we can do...and Teri, I am turning into my mother too.

Di R said...

I feel your pain. My son will be 14 on friday and my daughter will be 12 in two weeks. At this point, if I need my son to do something, I have my husband tell him.

Apparently sometime in the not to distant past I have become dumb. I think it was when he became taller than me.

Leslie Langtry said...

Di, I know what you mean. My son is about to turn 11 but he's as big as a 13yr. old. When he argues with me, I turn to my husband (a lot) and say, "Kill him."

Di R said...




debbie said...

I have turned over the raising of our 14 yr old son to my husband. I can ask him to do something all day and the task never gets done. Dad comes home asks him to do the same thing and its Yes Daddy!

Whats with that?

I still have hopes for my youngest!

Leslie Langtry said...

Debbie, it was the same with us. Mom could yell all she wanted but if dad lowered his voice, you knew you were in trouble.

Sandy said...

LOL It would be nice to turn them into robots for a few years. Smile.

Leslie Langtry said...


Kristi said...

Welcome to my world. I hate 13 year old girls so much right now. I want to cry and run aeay most days. I thought it was just me.

Suzan Harden said...

Go on strike, Leslie. Especially if Mr. A is a worse cook than you. It worked for me (about two months, then you strike again).

Mary G said...

Remind them who does their laundry & drives them around. They just need a reality check.