WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!! Bet you have won the copy of Shut Up and Kiss Me and the copy of the CD The Fancy Shapes. Please send me your snail mail address at christie (at) christie-craig (.) com
“Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul.” Plato
It’s happened more than once. I’ll be in my car, listening to the radio, and a song will play. I’ll get pulled into music or the lyrics.
Suddenly, wherever my mind was, I’m not there anymore. I’m in the song. If it’s a sad song, I probably have tears in my eyes and my mascara is running down my face. If it’s happy song, I’m smiling ear to ear and looking pretty goofy. If there’s a lot of rhythm, I’m probably doing a little dance, my butt bouncing on the car seat. If it’s a song I know and love the words to, I sing along, belt out the words as if I’m on a stage, as if I can sing and my “carry-a-tune” thingamajig doesn’t have a big hole in it. But it doesn’t matter. I’m in a moment and I forget.
I forget that the people stopped at the red light are staring at me, wondering what kind of fruitcake I am. Not that I really care, but when I do see them snickering and staring, I blush just a little bit. But then I tell myself that when they see me in a middle of a music moment, they’re thinking the same thing I’m thinking when I see someone else in one. I usually smile and if my radio isn’t on, I turn it on. Because, well, music is good for us. And getting lost in one of those music moments is heart-healthy.
Like the quote above states, music finds a place in our souls. Music is therapy. No, seriously, there is a thing called music therapy. In some states, Medicare will even pay for it. I’m not joking. Google it and you’ll see.
So why am I talking about music today? Well, I have a song. Okay… I don’t have a song. My book, Shut Up and Kiss Me, has a song. It wasn’t exactly written for my book, but you’ll never guess what the title is: Shut up and Kiss Me, and it mentions soul mates in the lyrics, and if you’ve read my book, you know it’s about soul mates. “Shut Up and Kiss Me” is by The Fancy Shapes, a New York based band that melds smart pop with Afro-tropical rhythms. (That’s what it says in this cool review at Barnes and Noble. All I know is I like the music.) Anyway, would you believe their new CD Fun City releases today? How’s that for another coincidence?
So I’m gonna call it my book’s song, and The Fancy Shapes are going to let me do it. In fact, if you pop over to my website you can even download a copy of the song for free. But better than that, I’m also going to post all the links here. And if you like it as much as I do, you can follow the link to B&N and order a copy of the CD.

Listen to Shut Up & Kiss Me
Download the song for free
Buy the CD
You know, I’m with music like I am with books. I sort of like different types. I love Country Western, love the stories the lyrics tell. I like rock & roll, the hypnotic fast rhythm that gets your soul popping. I love Irish music that seems to get into my blood and make my feet start tapping. Jazz music that pulls me into a certain mood. Folk and easy listening are right up there on my likes, as well. When I write I can’t listen to music with lyrics, so if I do listen to music it’s often classical.
I guess you could say, I’m not a music snob, or a music connoisseur. If it tickles my fancy then I fancy it. And my fancy gets tickled a lot. With music, of course. Hmm, I guess you could say I am with music sort of like I am with books. I read across genres.
So what about you guys? Do you have a song? What type of music do you like? Do you regularly get caught up in a music moment at red lights? Today, one lucky person will get a copy of my book and a copy of The Fancy Shapes’ Fun City. So make sure you post. And today I hope everyone will take a few minutes to slow down and listen to your favorite music—to get lost in the moment.
It’s happened more than once. I’ll be in my car, listening to the radio, and a song will play. I’ll get pulled into music or the lyrics.
Suddenly, wherever my mind was, I’m not there anymore. I’m in the song. If it’s a sad song, I probably have tears in my eyes and my mascara is running down my face. If it’s happy song, I’m smiling ear to ear and looking pretty goofy. If there’s a lot of rhythm, I’m probably doing a little dance, my butt bouncing on the car seat. If it’s a song I know and love the words to, I sing along, belt out the words as if I’m on a stage, as if I can sing and my “carry-a-tune” thingamajig doesn’t have a big hole in it. But it doesn’t matter. I’m in a moment and I forget.
I forget that the people stopped at the red light are staring at me, wondering what kind of fruitcake I am. Not that I really care, but when I do see them snickering and staring, I blush just a little bit. But then I tell myself that when they see me in a middle of a music moment, they’re thinking the same thing I’m thinking when I see someone else in one. I usually smile and if my radio isn’t on, I turn it on. Because, well, music is good for us. And getting lost in one of those music moments is heart-healthy.
Like the quote above states, music finds a place in our souls. Music is therapy. No, seriously, there is a thing called music therapy. In some states, Medicare will even pay for it. I’m not joking. Google it and you’ll see.
So why am I talking about music today? Well, I have a song. Okay… I don’t have a song. My book, Shut Up and Kiss Me, has a song. It wasn’t exactly written for my book, but you’ll never guess what the title is: Shut up and Kiss Me, and it mentions soul mates in the lyrics, and if you’ve read my book, you know it’s about soul mates. “Shut Up and Kiss Me” is by The Fancy Shapes, a New York based band that melds smart pop with Afro-tropical rhythms. (That’s what it says in this cool review at Barnes and Noble. All I know is I like the music.) Anyway, would you believe their new CD Fun City releases today? How’s that for another coincidence?
So I’m gonna call it my book’s song, and The Fancy Shapes are going to let me do it. In fact, if you pop over to my website you can even download a copy of the song for free. But better than that, I’m also going to post all the links here. And if you like it as much as I do, you can follow the link to B&N and order a copy of the CD.

Listen to Shut Up & Kiss Me
Download the song for free
Buy the CD
You know, I’m with music like I am with books. I sort of like different types. I love Country Western, love the stories the lyrics tell. I like rock & roll, the hypnotic fast rhythm that gets your soul popping. I love Irish music that seems to get into my blood and make my feet start tapping. Jazz music that pulls me into a certain mood. Folk and easy listening are right up there on my likes, as well. When I write I can’t listen to music with lyrics, so if I do listen to music it’s often classical.
I guess you could say, I’m not a music snob, or a music connoisseur. If it tickles my fancy then I fancy it. And my fancy gets tickled a lot. With music, of course. Hmm, I guess you could say I am with music sort of like I am with books. I read across genres.
So what about you guys? Do you have a song? What type of music do you like? Do you regularly get caught up in a music moment at red lights? Today, one lucky person will get a copy of my book and a copy of The Fancy Shapes’ Fun City. So make sure you post. And today I hope everyone will take a few minutes to slow down and listen to your favorite music—to get lost in the moment.
Good morning, Christie!
My older son is a singer, and has introduced me to music I KNOW I'd never have found on my own. The songs on my iPod are a very eclectic mix of songs from my past with which I have an emotional attachment, as well as songs that from my teen's iPod, which make me feel hip. (Although, I think by saying 'hip' I'm simply proving I'm not!)
I also have playlists for books. I LOVE when authors share what songs inspired them while writing a certain book. It adds a layer to the story for me.
LOVED SHUT UP AND KISS ME. In fact, a reread may be in order.
Have a great day!
Hi Kara!
I like "hip." It works for me, so I guess that goes to show neither of us are all that "hip."
Thanks so much for stopping in today.
I'm like you, if I like it then I like it, doesn't matter what type it is. I could really be a millionaire, though, having people pay me NOT to sing...ya, it's that bad!
It's so fun to have a song for your book! And so smart of them to contact you so you could cross-promote. Authors and musicians should do more of this.
I went to YouTube to see if I could find them, but it wasn't there and instead I listened to Mary Chapin Carpenter sing another version of Shut Up and Kiss Me. Then I ended up watching one by Willie Nelson with that title. lol
I normally listen to country. I love blues, too, but I'm open to anything good.
We should go into business together Kris. We'd make a killing!! LOL.
Thanks for stopping by.
I totally agree. Cross promoting is great things. And listening to music is sort of like reading, you can get lost in it.
I totally agree. Cross promoting is great things. And listening to music is sort of like reading, you can get lost in it.
Hi Edie,
I'll have to ask about them being on You Tube. And I know there have been other songs and even a movie I think with the same name.
When I heard the mention of soul mates in the song I was totally hooked.
Thanks for stopping by.
Christie, THANK GOD there's someone else who makes a scene in her car. Four-way stops are the most embarrassing. I recommend oversize, dark sunglasses. ;)
Since I was a DJ before taking up the writing endeavor, I'm all about music. Have been my whole life. But like you, I can't listen to music with lyrics while I write. Doesn't stop me from making soundtracks though. Songs that fit my characters and my scenes.
My iPod is like a melting pot of al kinds of music and I have it on shuffle lately. Just went from Frank Sinatra to The Script. It's kind of fun to never know what's coming up next.
I'm going to run out and buy some today. LOL. Problem is, I think they still recognize me, and then they laugh because of the shades.
So you were a DJ? Wow, how intriguing. Are you using that in your books? You should.
Of course, not if I ever decide to write a DJ, I now know who to run to for questions. LOL.
Thanks for stopping in.
This is so cool!!!!!
I haven't used it yet, Christie, but I have a story idea with a female radio DJ as the heroine. I'll answer any questions you have. Think of the promo possibilities! LOL!
I was raised on country and 60's rock and roll. I graduated with 70's and 80's music. I worked my first real jobs in 90's music. I started feeling old when hip-hop, gangsta and rap came on the music scene. I truly feel like music is my life since I literally grew up on all kinds of music. Thru all that, I can't carry a tune in a bucket even if I had 6 strong men carrying it for me! But you can still find me singing in the car as I'm toodling on down the road. Love my music!
I'm listening to music now. I'm at work and anxious--so I'm listening to George Strait, whom I always listen to when I'm anxious because he's soothing.
When my friends are anxious--or even angry--they prefer to listen to angry music. Not me. I don't like to feed the beast. I like to sooth him, reassure him everything is going to be all right. George is excellent for a case of nerves. Nothing can be too bad with that handsome crooner in your ear.
I also have some alternative or rock music in my playlists (i.e. Twilight soundtracks, Maroon 5, et al), but mostly I'm a country music girl. Older country or traditional. I like some of the new stuff, but I'm pretty old school. It's where the heart is.
Christie, I'm just like you when it comes to music I listen to and the books I read.
I'm the same way, Christie. If it tickles my eardrum, I like it. Everything from classical to rap. Can't listen to music when writing, though. I find it distracting, but I have the television running all the time.
The promo would be fabulous, wouldn't it. You're a smart cookie. Hmm, I'm liking this.
Hi Bet,
Hmm, six strong me. I don't if my tune could be carried by them. But I might like to see them try. LOL.
And oh, I love your word, toodling. I haven't heard that word in a long time. It's an Alabama word. I'm gonna use that someone in my book. LOL.
Thanks for stopping in.
So you're a Strait fan, huh? I like him, too.
And like you, I don't like to feed the beast either. When stressed I want something soft and relaxing.
Now I like some of the older classics in Country, but not as much as my hubby. He can listen to the old tapes forever and ever. I have to fight to get him to change CDs sometimes on a trip.
Thanks for stopping by.
We are opened minded, girl. I think that's a good thing.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Tess,
Thanks for dropping by. I think it's cool, too.
Have a great day.
I find it so interesting how different writers are when it comes to writing habits. I can't stand the TV on when I write. I even prefer the house to be empty.
Thanks for dropping in.
For some reason, I can't get the song to play or download. :-( But I'll try again later cuz now I'm determined.
The song used for my There's Only Been You trailer fits the book perfectly. I was so excited when I first heard it, I just kept listening to it over and over...LOL It's called Here By Me by Three Doors Down.
Now I want to go hear your son and see your video. Is it on your website?
I agree with you completely that music and change your mood - for the better. I actually forget that from time to time and then I hear a song and think why am I not listening to more. I tend to put CNN on instead and that usually puts me in a bad mood. And I too like all types from opera to country and everything in between. Thanks for the reminder :)
Hi Catslady,
I do the same thing at times. I'll go for days and not listen. I'll confess, I listen to more music while driving than any other time.
Thanks for stopping in.
I often get caught up in music.
Sadly, due to the fact I have a 3 and 5 year old in my life that music is mostly kids songs. (Elmo and Friends. Kill me now! PLEASE!!!)
I tend to like most all types music. As long as it has some sort of beat to it, I'm there.
Hey, Christie,
Love the song "Shut Up and Kiss Me" - I'll have to check out the CD and see what else they have.
I sometimes write with a music soundtrack for that specific book. It can definitely get you in the right mood.
Okay, is anybody else having trouble with Blogger or is it just me?
I really enjoyed the post:)...I love music too and cross genre's often myself. But, my favorite music is jazz. I fell in love with it about the same time I fell in love with the French Quarter, so it's a magnificent love affair!
How fabulous that you've found one particular song that defines your book "Shut Up and Kiss Me"! A little bit of karma goin' on there hum?:)
I have a song that resonates with my yet to be published novel. The song's title is Cajun Moon and it's just eerie enough to catch the complete tone of my manuscript...I played it often while I wrote:)
This was a delightful way to begin my day...but then again, it always is when I park myself in the chair and have a read of your latest going's on:)
Loretta Wheeler
Hey...some of those tunes can be catchy, too. When at my daughters I go around singing, "The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round... LOL.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Faye,
Thanks for stopping in.
Blogger did a number on me yesterday, too. Hmmm...
Hi Loretta,
Cajun Moon sounds intriguing. While I can't write to songs with lyrics, I find a lot of lyrics inspire the storyteller in me.
Thanks for stopping in.
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