
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"Things I Have Considered Dinner," For 600 Alex...

Here are some of the Complete Dinners I've had in the last month:

  • Four bowls of Lucky Charms with a Hershey bar chaser (I cleaned three closets in 15 minutes immediately following);

  • 7 Mini Snickers candy bars and an orange (I believe the fruit cancels out the candy...right?);

  • 2 Bananas and a Ho-Ho with grape juice (yeah, it doesn't taste great together);

  • McDonald's french fries (What? It's a vegetable!);

  • An entire sleeve of Thin Mints (you can't eat just one...);

  • An entire tube of Pringles (see above...I think I might have a problem);

  • Despair (the lowest calorie one on the list);

  • Spaghetti with garlic bread and a salad (I didn't want you to think I was a total loser);

  • Lucky Charms with a banana and Pringles (See? I mix it up sometimes!).
I KNOW I'm not the only one who does this! Right? Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this!

The Assassin


  1. Oh, lord, I can feel the pounds packing on my hips just reading that.

    Since I'm maintaining a low cal healthy diet to get my weight down, I'm afraid I haven't eaten anything you mentioned lately. Except the spagetti. And it was in a Lean Cuisine meal.

  2. Oh, I have so done this!!!! I would add a whole bowl of microwave popcorn to the list also.
    Oh and a half box of sugar cookies with Milk. At least the milk was healthy. LOL


  3. I have done this as well. I'm trying to count calories right now so my dinners, or meals in general, now consist of counting out each individual chip, nut, cookie, cracker, or whatever else I might be eating. UGh.

    Dinners I have been known to have:
    raw cookie dough
    tomatoes and cheese (heavy on the cheese)
    spaghettio's (regularly)

  4. *LOL*

    That sounds like some of the things I have for dinner. Depending how stressed and anxious I am--so lately, yeah, a LOT like the crap I've been eating. *LOL*

    I eat a lot of microwaveable steamed dumplings from the Chinese/Asian store.

  5. You should add donut holes to your list. They are the best junk food to eat. The holes in the middle of the donut are empty so if you buy a box of them, you are getting no calories, just air!

  6. LuAnn, I've always felt that donut holes are calorie-less! I need to eat better BUT I LOVE FOOD AND CAN'T HELP MYSELF!

  7. I've done the Pringles and the cookie dough. Then there's brownies, a bowl of Frosted Flakes, and one of those large Reese's Peanut Butter bars which is like a giant Hershey Bar with PB in every block. Had that with a root beer for lunch on Sunday.

    In the summer my daughter goes to her dad's so it's just me in the house. Which means I have these kinds of meals for ten weeks straight. With ramon noodles thrown in now and then. No wonder I get bigger in the summer and smaller in the winter.

  8. A healthy meal is chips and salsa, right??? With cookies for dessert?

  9. Y'all are making me hungry now. I ran home to let the window guy in and wolfed down a pbj. Since I've gotten back I've had four Dove Dark Chocolates.

  10. Whew, I thought I was the only one. Thanks for making me feel better.

  11. No problem Delia. That's what I'm here for.

  12. I haven't eaten anything you have mentioned lately, except for the spaghetti. I am trying to eat healthier and lose a bit of weight.

  13. What's sad is that a few of those are sounding really good right now.


  14. An entire pint of Haggen Daaz Chocolate Peanute Butter ice cream, which according to an article on MSN, is the absolute worst thing, in terms of carb and fat content, you can buy in a grocery store.

    I'm having a food-gasm just thinking about it...

  15. Atta Girl! Go for the worst on the list! (Wiping away a tear) I'm so proud of you!

  16. I usually eat pretty well. I did, however, have 2 1/2 slices of cheese cake one night, and one the following morning for breakfast. Oh, well.
