
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bargain Shopping Out of Control? You decide.

I came home the other day with eight boxes of shoes. That's right. EIGHT. The looks on my kids' faces when I had to make two trips back to the Jimmy to get them all in rivaled the look on the clerk's face when I checked out with a shopping cart full of boxes of shoes. You can imagine her puzzlement when she discovered I'd purchased three pairs of the same black shoe, two pair of another ipair identical to the first except white in color, and three different pairs of hiking or winter footware.
You'd have thought I was buying a cartful of condoms.
Then she noted the price.

"These shoes are all TEN DOLLARS?" she asked and I nodded.

"Regularly forty-nine-ninety-five," I replied. "I got eight pairs for less than the price of two pair. And they're all steel-toed," I added with an 'I'm good' smile. (Steel-toed footwear is important to me because I am on my feet or walking a lot at work and with a history of foot problems, I need a good, sturdy work shoe or boot.)

"Wow," the clerk responded. "I'll have to get back there on break and check it out."

I nodded, knowing if she wore size 8 1/2 she'd was so outta luck. I'd cleared the shelves of every eight and a half (okay, and a couple of nines) they had marked down.

At the time I thought I had made a pretty smart investment. It was only when I noted the kids' reaction as I stacked my shoeboxes on the dining room table that I began to wonder if I hadn't gone a little overboard on the shoe splurge. I usually go through a pair of shoes every year or so. At this rate, I have enough shoes to last for four years!
Which might be a tad extreme.

Which got me to remembering the time I'd found clearance quilted jackets for five bucks and I'd purchased one in every color. Or the time I purchased two formal dresses for RWA's RITA and Golden Heart banquet because they were both such 'good deals'--and ended up not wearing either dress. And the time the local supermarket had cakes on special for $3.88 and I bought five. (Okay, so the cakes were consumed, but still did we really need that much CAKE?!)

I could go on and on. I have this tendency for overkill when it comes to what I perceive as a good bargain.

So tell me. And be honest. I can take it.

Is purchasing eight pairs of shoes at one time an indication of some deeper issue--Or am I just being a really frugal individual who can't pass up a 'good deal'?

What do you think? And how about you? Are you a 'stocker upper'? Have you gone a little 'OCD' at times when you've spotted a bargain? What type of 'deal' is likely to get you to succumb to the 'take two, they're small' or 'better by the dozen' outlook on purchasing power? Any screamin' deals you'd care to crow about that will put my five buck a foot bargain story to shame? Have at it.

And me?

I'll be trying to find some room in my closet to stick eight boxes of shoes. Knowing me, I'll probably forget they're there when it comes time to switch shoes.

Good thing I have my kids around to remind me (and frequently) about the time I came home with eight pairs of shoes.

I'm a lucky, lucky woman.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

~Bullet Hole~


  1. I don't normally buy in bulk. I'm not allowed to have a Sam's card, though, because I have been known to come home with cases of things that I will never, ever eat. Lack of opportunity is the only thing that really saves me.

    I did once buy 10 bottles of mustard because it was a brand that we really liked and the sale price convinced me that the store was no longer going to carry them. I was wrong, I just got stuck with what they were clearing off to make room for fresh, new bottles. (it was Coleman's)

  2. "DO I HAVE A PROBLEM?"I'd say your sole is deeply troubled!


    Actually my podiatrist told me that it was better to rotate thru wearing several pairs of shoes. It gives the shoes time to rest between use (even if you can't).
    That's better for them and you.

    It especially makes sense if you have to wear "uniform" shoes, which I gather your day job requires.

  3. I've never bought 8 pair of shoes at one time but probably only through lack of opportunity. When I find a really, really comfortable pair of shoes I have been known to buy back up pairs. I personally don't think you have a problem and were just lucky to come across this deal.

    I giggled, though, and thought of a long past employer. In 1984 he got a GREAT deal on staples. Granted a lot of people were working there and all used staples all day long every day....but it didn't even make a dent in the number of boxes. He gave away boxes of staples to anyone who would take one and I'm sure some took a box just to make him stop asking. Boxes of staples moves with office space and departing employees. Now, here I am 25 years later, I'm finally on my last box of staples and wondering about the journey all those other boxes took. Now that is a problem!!!

  4. If you do indeed wear these shoes, then you're fine. I have a tendency to buy food that is on sale and then we never eat it. Makes me feel terribly guilty. That 10 for $10 thing at grocery stores is the worst.

    In most cases like this, if I really do the math, I'm not getting a bargain because I'm buying stuff I don't need. So where I might spend $20 on one pair, I could get two pair for $35. But if I have to take any old pair because I can't find another pair I really like, what's the point?

    This happened recently in Payless so the memory is fresh. Sometimes a deal just isn't a deal, ya know?

  5. Okay Kathy,

    I've never bought eight pairs of shoes at one time. However, I have bought one pair of something, shoes, a blouse, a coat, that I found at a bargin, only to discover I loved it, and later wished like heck that I'd bought more than one.

    So, I say, consider yourself smart.


  6. Welcome to the dark side, Kathy. Bwahahaha!

    Yes, I regularly buy multiple boxes of shoes at the same time. I do have at least two or three pairs of heels in the exact same style in different colors. And, since I'm not allowed to wear heels for awhile (whimper), I'm totally going to Old Navy's $1 flip flop sale this weekend and cleaning them out of every color.

    So, no, as far as I'm concerned, you have no problem at all. :)


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  8. I'm with Christie - more than once I've restrained myself in the moment and regretted it later on. If you do indeed wear all those shoes then I think you got a great deal :)
