Random stuff...
- Some of you may know that my new website has a picture of me with one of my ukuleles and it says, "Now, with more ukulele!" I got the COOLEST fan email today. The woman said, "Put down the ukulele and get back to writing." I should have awards for those kinds of things, right?
- A week ago, I was in the music store, dropping off my daughter for her trumpet lesson, buying my son the saxophone book he needed last week for band and the piano book he needed last month (he never tells me anything) - and I impulse by a travel ukulele. Well, not really 'impulse buy,' as I've had my eye on one for a while now. It's a thinner, smaller version of the ukulele, and I felt I needed it. At the checkout, my daughter (who should've been in her damn lesson!) rolls her eyes when I said I wanted it because it was smaller than my uke at home. "Oh, right," she says, "cuz a smaller version of a UKULELE makes total sense." I may have to kill her.
- It's national dessert night (at the time of this writing). Would it be too much to add broken up Hershey bars and chocolate syrup to my Triple Chocolate Ice Cream? I mean, it IS a holiday...
- For those of you who saw my facebook page and asked, YES, I did dress my mom's cat up in a bra, high heels and lipstick when she was out of town last weekend, and sent her a photo that said, "Now we know what Buddy does when you are gone." Yes, I put lipstick on a cat. Why does everyone act like that's a bad thing? Maybe he liked it?
The Assassin
You crack me up! And that humor is precisely why I adore your books.