
Friday, October 05, 2012

Read any good ebooks lately?

After a whole week without internet, during which I was *this* close to going nuts, I am finally moved into the new house, have internet access, and we’re on the road to being unpacked.  Mind you, that may be a loooooong road, but we’re getting there.  Our motto around here is “one box at a time”.  :)  Pictures will be coming soon.  As soon as we get at least one room gets cleared out of boxes 

In the meantime, I have a big contest going on.  I’m giving away one ereader every month during Fall!  How do you enter to win?  Just sign up for my newsletter!  Check out the details here:

In October I’m giving away a Nook Simple Touch with Glowlight!

In keeping with the ebook theme today, I’d love to hear if any of you have read any good ebooks lately?  I had a ton loaded on my Kindle before Baby came along, but I’ve devoured them all, so I need some new recommendations.  My personal favs that I read this summer were the Ms. America series by Diana Dempsy.  Super fun, light, perfect beach reads.  

~Trigger Happy halliday

1 comment:

  1. RIght now I'm reading No Quest for the Wicked by Shanna Swendson.
