
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The more things change...

My husband and I are getting ready to celebrate ten years, which is amazing in itself considering that it's not unusual for me to say things like, "We've been to that restaurant/park/event before. Remember? When we were dating." So it doesn't seem that long ago. But time marches on.

To celebrate, Jim and I are planning a trip back to Chicago, where we spent a lot of time...err...when we were dating. And first married. Before kids, really. We live in St. Louis, and sometimes on Fridays I'd come home from work at the ad agency and want to go somewhere, do something. Head out of town. So we'd pack a quick bag and go.

We really should have checked the weather as well because one time, we were half-way to Chicago and it started snowing. Hard. We turned on the radio and learned they'd been predicting a foot of snow. Turns out they were right. Oops. We almost spent that weekend in an old Red Roof Inn in the middle of rural Illinois.

But it was fun and we always had such a great time on our impromptu road trips. Alas, they ended when we had kids. Now with writing and other things, I haven't really felt the need to dash out of town at the end of the day. Or maybe my husband and I just know we can't!

Still, for the 10th, we're doing it again. Only this time, we're planning. And frankly, it has us confused.

Like last night, we sat on our laptops and showed each other fun things to do in Chicago. New things. Things we'd never done before. But we couldn't decide on anything. We looked up hotels. But we ended up making a reservation at the same place we'd always just showed up at before. Then we realized our problem - these trips are not meant to be planned. They're meant to be savored. We'd gotten to be too parental. We were messing with the system.

So we ditched the planning and have decided we'll just show up. We'll revel in the "let's see" attitude that made the trips so much fun in the first place. We'll explore with abandon. Well, mostly. I did notice Jim has kept the reservation.


  1. Happy anniversary! My next one is 9. Crazy! How is that even possible?

  2. Happy Aniversary!!

    Did you ever pick a winner from your last Killer Fiction Blog?

  3. I strongly suggest visiting Long Grove. Its a little tourist town north of Chicago that I found when visiting Chicago last may. There is an old covered wooden bridge unique shops. They even have a chocolate festival!

  4. I hope y'all have a Happy Anniversary! We're okay at being spontaneous with day trips, but anything longer and I need planning. Just wait until you've been married 20 years! (That'll be us in January.)

  5. Isn't amazing how time marches on?

  6. And yes, I did pick a winner from the last blog. Trying to remember who it was offhand. But I posted it on the Saturday after.

  7. Oh no kidding? I knew a guy in college from Long Grove. I didn't know it was so neat. We'll have to check that out. Thanks!

  8. Wow, Brandy - 20 is big. I'm surprised enough at how 10 has snuck up.
