
Wednesday, January 04, 2012

New Year's Resolutions of the Mildly Damned.


Some motivation required...

I bet you can guess what my New Year's Resolution is! Yeah, it's kind of obvious. Anyway, just before New Year's, Mr. Assassin and I joined a gym! I know, right?

So Tuesday, I came home from work, changed my clothes (aka squish into exercise bra and hunt for a pair of sweatsocks - I haven't seen any in 10 years) and announced to Mr. A (we always announce things in our house) that I was ready.

Mr. A couldn't hear me over his sniffling and sneezing. Apparently, he was sick. And apparently, I was going to the gym for the first time - all alone.

Of all the types of (torture) exercise out there, my favorite has always been the (torture devices) machines. I don't know why. Maybe it's because it's a system that's easy (enough for an idiot like me) to follow. I'd like to think it's because I'm interesting, but truth be told, I need total structure. And a line of machines in a logical progression works best (brainwashing) for me.

I did 30 minutes on machines (eternally grateful I didn't know anyone there - or have my kids on hand with their facebook-posting capabilities). Then I did 20 minutes on the treadmill. And believe it or not, I had no problem figuring out how each machine worked, but almost burst into tears trying to operate the treadmill. Treadmills are HARD.

I got home feeling sore and somewhat satisfied with myself. By the time bedtime came - I was mainlining ibuprofen (but I don't have a problem or anything). I threw in a couple tylenol PM as a chaser.

If I wake up in the morning and have 10% use of my limbs, I will consider this a success. I'll probably be typing my responses with my ear, but oh well.

What are your resolutions this year (what strikes terror into your heart)?

The Assassin


  1. I'm a gym freak; I love working out! You are probably starting daggers at me reading this :)

    I don't usually make New Year resolutions; guess I don't want anything badly enough. Reading more books would be good!

  2. Cute post! I have never joined a gym but would be better off if I did. I need to start getting more exercise myself. I always thought you could just exercise at home and do just as well but you never seem to take the time to exercise at home so maybe a gym would be the best idea. My luck if I joined a gym I just wouldn't go anyway. So nothing gained except weight.

    I would like to exercise more and loose weight. Also read more books this year. Hey is there any way to exercise loose weight and read at the same time.


  3. I usually make a resolution to lose weight. This year, I didn't make any resolutions. I just wish for good health for everyone. I've never been to a gym. I usually go for a walk for about an hour a day. I haven't been doing that much this year though.

    amysmith98 @

  4. Linda - send me some of that inspiration!

    Virginia - we call the treadmill in the family room "furniture for holding stuff."

    Amy - You might be onto something! The Anti-Resolution!

  5. I'd like to diet and exercise, but I can never stick with it. :-(

  6. Every year my resolution is to lose weight but it is hard to get started. When I read how Mr. A was sick and you had to go to the gym by yourself- I was mortified! I probably would have used that as an excuse to put off going to the gym to another day. Kudos to you for going by yourself. Do you work out with a personal trainer or anything? How do you know what to do once you get to the gym?

  7. Oh, I hear you! I went to the gym yesterday too and I should go muscles don't want to. :)

  8. Of course I always resolve to exercise more, but it never happens. I just stick with what I'm already doing and wonder why my clothes seem to be shrinking. My only hope for 2012 is that it is much calmer and less stressful than 2011. Never want to go through a year like that again. Ever.

  9. I didn't work with a trainer - although if I could find a tall Spaniard named Raol, I think I could fit him in...

    I just looked at the machines - they had pictures (yes - I need pictures) and did it. If I didn't know what to do - I probably would've grabbed a staff member and threatened them.

  10. Good for you Brenda!
    Kris - I'm more like you than you think.
    Kima - I hope you have a great year!

  11. I didn't work with a trainer - although if I could find a tall Spaniard named Raol, I think I could fit him in...

    I just looked at the machines - they had pictures (yes - I need pictures) and did it. If I didn't know what to do - I probably would've grabbed a staff member and threatened them.

  12. I'm going to be right then with you soon. My plan was to join the gym in Jan, but I'm going to wait until I finish my last two deadlines and then I'm there.


  13. I really try not to make resolutions because I am one of those people that have trouble following through on things. So I guess it would have to be to be a better mom.

    My older grls are in the tween stage right now. I guess them becoming full fledged angry, hormonal teenage girls is what strikes fear into me. I know how I acted in that stage and it was not pretty for my mother.

    Good luck with your exercise goal. Happy New Year.

    izzyabbysmom2006 AT yahoo DOT com

  14. I don't know about joining a gym but I do want to lose about 25 pounds. If figure I will start P90X again. I lost about 30 pounds with it once before. I'm going to start on Monday. I also want to keep an extremely clean house. But that is already on a rough start, my darn kids won't do their chores. I hope by summer everyone in the house will have new habits and always pick up after themselves.

  15. Wishing you lots of success with your resolution. My resolution this year is to be more frugal with my finances.

  16. I didn't make resolutions, but I did create a list of goals for the year. Shedding some pounds *might* be on there. Ahem.

    I'm considering joining the local rec center. This thing is HUGE and is fancier than any gym I've joined before. And cheaper. I'm a machines girl as well. Give me a treadmill for 45 minutes and I'm happy. However, that eliptical thing is the devil.

    Kudos to you or going alone. I too would have used that as an excuse not to go. (And you're doing really well typing with those ears...)

  17. Being a good mom, clean house, better finances - you guys have great resolutions!

    Teri - typing with ears is fun!

  18. I go to the gym each week and have for years although I don't enjoy it at all. It is forced upon me. Your workout sounds successful and congratulations. I hope to stay healthy which is the most important ingredient in life.

  19. I hope to lose a few pounds as well but I am gym shy and not fond of exercising in a crowd. I will be setting up my Wii Fit in my living room again and doing my step aerobics, kick boxing and bicycling in private. Good luck working out and I hope Mr. A feels better soon and can join you.

  20. Good luck on your quest for good health and working out. That is a priority and should be taken seriously. I don't make resolutions. I walk each day for miles and sometimes make an appearance at the gym for the machines which I should do more often.

  21. I did feel like it was an hour of "me" time. Although I think my muscles thought of it as "why me" time.

  22. As a fitness instructor I believe the hardest part is walking through the door and you did it..... alone! You go girl! Unless you're an MIT grad most machines are challenging; level? incline? What's that? And if the machine has a TV attached for entertainment, well, that's a whole other issue. Just keep on keeping on.... the feeling after a workout is the BEST. Mary Louise

  23. Thanks Mary Louise! And yes, trying to figure out the treadmill while deciding which tv channel to watch did make it trickier.

  24. My resolutions are always the same every year work out more and lose weight, but since I have been the same weight for a while now. I guess I have not stuck with it. Oh well maybe this is the year.

  25. My New Year's resolution this year is to log, review & rate all the books I read on Goodreads & Amazon. I've set my goal at 100. I hope I can surpass it.
    Thanks for the GC giveaway!

    jcross719 at yahoo dot com

  26. Sara - I've done the same thing, year after year. I still need to figure out some sort of reward for working out that doesn't include extra chocolate sauce.

    Jess - that's a really good goal!

  27. I made a short resolution list this year using a lot of 'more' and 'less' qualifiers so the results are easy to measure.

    My last resolution was to not break more than 5 resolutions this year. (BTW that was #5)

  28. Wow, Cheryl! I wish I'd thought of that!

  29. Bless your heart. I just bought a pair of running shoes in the hope that I won't let them sit on a shelf and be wasted money. Thanks for setting a good example for me. :)

    geishasmom73 AT yahoo DOT com

  30. I am definitely going to try to make a point of exercising this year. Pounds have added up last year and the treadmill is calling my name.

    Also, to eat healthier. Lots of fruit and veggies for me and not so many carbs.

    On the other hand, make more money so I can pay my bills!

  31. I'm terrible at keeping my resolutions so I tend to never make any. I would like to get into a routine of exercising and drinking more water. I figure if I don't label them as resolutions I might actually accomplish them.

  32. Believe it or not I am at the Y every morning at 5am. Care to join me. Then I rush through the showerso that I can begin my day with 5 to 6 children all day ( home daycare). You will find me on the eliptical that is forsure!

  33. Stacie - no one has ever called me a good example before! Thanks!

    I love the idea of drinking more water. Must do that.

    Kimmer - 5am???

  34. I tried to make my goal (resolution) manageable this year. To lose 2 lbs a month and to exercise 30 minutes a day for 5 out of the 7 days in the week.

    I'm currently on Day 2 and would kill for some pepermint stick ice cream. Hopefully it gets easier the longer I keep it up.

  35. I look like I've hardly ever stepped foot in a gym, but am there so much people think I work there. *g* (Hypothyroidism sucks). You have to try a class! Yoga and Zumba are awesome!
    I dont' make resolutions. They are so easy to fail with. I'm working toward a goal. I want to lose ten pounds this year and drop a dress size, but if not, to be at the gym and participate as much as I did this year if not more. Oh, and to every now and then put ME first instead of my entire family.

    Best of luck with the gym and healthy thoughts for your husband!

  36. My resolution is to get more fit and eat healthier. I'm happy with my weight but do want to feel better from the inside. I like outdoor activities as opposed to hitting the gym. Also, I'm still going to eat my favorite foods but in healthy moderation :)


  37. Eating healthier is always something I'm striving towards. I have managed to cut back on drinking soda, but I'd like to be able to stop snacking so frequently at night.

  38. My thing of dread and anticipation is losing enough weight to properly exercise. I have arthritis in both knees and with my weight being at 282, all the doc would clear me for is walking. since I started at 334 pounds so I am making progress, but I would love to be cleared to do more fun exercises.

  39. Good for you going to the gym ~ KEEP IT UP, IT WILL GET EASIER. I started 11 years ago and I was so out of shape all I could do was the "arthritis program deep water aerobics". I was 45! I've kept it up and now I'm in a medium level deep-water-aerobics program AND walking 50 minutes UPHILL on the treadmill. I've lost 10 pounds SLOWLY in the last 6 months and WILL KEEP IT OFF this time. You just have to make up your mind to DO IT and KEEP IT UP. You can :-)

  40. Cleaning out my clutter. I seriously have a problem throwing out a lot of things. I have run out of places to put my books a long time ago but my husband promises to build some shelves IF I get rid of a lot of stuff. You would think that would be incentive enough and I am trying, but it's agony for me lol.

  41. Just got back from my 2nd trip to the gym. And I must say; that really hurt.

  42. I started working out a couple of months ago, so didn't have to make the old stand-by losing weight as mine. I have found myself highly motivated by setting 4-6 week goals. I actually did the lazy man triathlon at the YMCA. It was way out of my comfort zone, but apparently I am highly motivated by the t-shirt! Have your husband "sponsor" a challenge, then buy you a shirt. Might work wonders! Good Luck!

  43. My resolution is to be more disciplined in my writing. Also, to budget my time better in life. To eat better, exercise more, and make the most of each and every day.

  44. My goals this year are to keep doing what I've been doing - continue my weight loss and exercise program (41 lbs lost, 20 flights of stairs a day at lunch), and to read at least as many books as I read last year (over 80, woohoo). What strikes terror in my heart is all the machines at the gym at work, especially the treadmill. I have no idea how any of them work, so I'll just stick with the stairs. :D

    Barbed1951 at aol dot com

  45. The only resolution I have this year is to try to get closer to my daughter. She's 14 and right now we're going through a rough patch. And by rough patch I mean she hates my guts.

  46. I started the gym with my hubby before the year end, and have certainly gone more than him. I like one machine, but I don't know its name and I like the beginning Zumba class. Christmas derailed me a bit, but hope to get back on track soon. No resolutions for me.

  47. Wow! some of you guys are waaaay ahead of me - way to go!

    I love the idea of a lazy man's triathalon and must know more about it!

    And Kristi - my daughter is 13...I feel your pain.

  48. My new year resolution is that every work day I must complete at least one mile on the elliptical. More would be better, but I must get at least one mile in. So far it is a battle. =). I keep it in the bedroom so I can't escape seeing it in the morning. That helps a bit, but I still need to muster the willpower to get out of bed early enough to succeed. Wish me luck!

  49. Good luck! I can't even do the elliptical! I'm on one for 2 minutes before I'm out of breath and falling off.

  50. OMG I feel your pain. I too went to the gym today for the 1st time in 15 years. I lasted all of 30 minutes so I admire you for sticking it out as long as you did. Tomorrow I will go again to the torture gym in an effort to regain the body I had 20 years ago. Is it an attainable goal? I don't know but I'm going to try.

  51. i understand about the machines, i did phyiscal therapy , and i thought i was going to have a morphione line hook to my head. if i wanted to still move
    but i LOVE the bike ( this place had it wheres u didnt have to straddle a bike, but sit in a seat and peddle, o heavenly!

  52. Wink! Remember when we were thin, young and drank too much? Sigh.

  53. I once had an exercise bike in my bedroom. It was an excellent clothes rack. ;)

  54. I walk on the treadmill 5 times a week for 3 miles each time...but nothing is changing on my guess I will just keep reading!!!

  55. My unofficial resolution is to eat a little more healthy and get some walking in. Although I love words, "exercise" is not one of my favorites. :-)
    Loved the post and I can identify completely.

  56. My unofficial resolution is to eat a little more healthy and get some walking in. Although I love words, "exercise" is not one of my favorites. :-)
    Loved the post and I can identify completely.

  57. Diana - I think reading burns like, 1,000 calories or something!

    Cheryl - I've always thought "exercise" was a four-letter word. Wait...

  58. Normally I make a resolution to lose weight or work out more, but I've never really followed through with them so this year i didnt make any resolutions.
