
Monday, November 14, 2011

Where Does the Time Go?

Seriously, can anyone tell me? It's NOVEMBER! Thanksgiving is next week. Then Christmas will be along shortly after, then it will be 2012. Where did the year go?

I am fairly certain I spent it in a work-related haze, but I did get quite a bit done this years, so there's that. Next year, I'll have four books out with Harlequin Intrigue to show for all my hard work, so I'm not going to complain about the lack of personal life, or the pedicure I needed two months ago, or the fact that my acrylic nails are currently up to Cruella deVille length and still going.

Maybe next week I'll have time to worry about such things, but not this week. This week, I'm BUSY.

In good news, the cover for my 2/2012 Intrigue release is finally here and it's fabulous. What do you think? I think the cover gods continue to smile on me.

Isn't it creepy and really cool looking? I just love the color and the house and it's sooooooooo like my description in the book.

So what do you have planned for Thanksgiving? Do you do the whole cooking thing? I don't as no one wants me to cook. I bring paper plates and cups. My mom does most of the cooking and my dad fries turkeys. There is nothing quite like fried turkey. YUMM!

Deadly (now hungry) DeLeon


  1. I feel the same way! Time is flying at warp seed. Love the cover! It goes along with your great settings.

  2. Thanks, Diane. I think this cover is my favorite so far of the Intrigues.

  3. Love the cover, too, Jana! And FOUR books with Harlequin Intrigue is amazing!

    One of the triplets has to work until 5 AM Thanksgiving morning in preparation for Black Friday at Target and has to go back in that night at eleven so we'll have our dinner after she wakes up and before she goes back to work.

    We're having turkey and all the fixings. My son, the vegetarian, will have to make do with the relish tray, mashed potatoes, and green bean casserole. No tofu turkey on the menu.
