
Friday, June 17, 2011

Romance Trading Cards

Have you guys seen these yet? Oh-em-gee, they are fun! Okay, I’ve been a little bit out of the loop lately having not been to a writing conference since Baby Boy was born. So, I’m sure some of you are going, “Uh, Gemma? Old news, honey.” But I just saw my first set of RTC’s (as the cool kids call them), and the collector in me suddenly perked up at full attention.
For anyone else out of the loop like me, Romance Trading Cards are like baseball cards for romance novels. Authors print up sets with the book cover on the front and some sort of stats/info about characters from the book on the back. Almost anything goes, so I’ve seen a variety of different designs and formats.
So, recently I did an event at a Barnes & Noble store, and BN was fabulous enough to print up some cards for me. They went so fast! Readers really liked them and, I’ll admit, so did I. Then the other author I did the event with, Bella Andre, whipped out a batch of glossy, colorful RTCs she’d had printed up herself, and oh my were they purty. Bella directed me to, a free site that displays RTC’s available. I fell in love. I want one of each! Lol! It’s so fun gathering up full collections of cards from my fav books. I haerd a rumor that even more authors will have cards at RWA. I’m hoping to get my friend to snag some for me!

So, spurred one by this new dangerously addicting collection hobby, I spent the entire weekend gleefully putting together some RTC’s of my own. The result? The High Heels Romance Trading Card collection!

What do you guys think? I have five covers and five characters in all.  Throughout the summer I'll be giving them away free on my website, but each card will only be available for a limited time! Right now, you can get Card #1: SPYING IN HIGH HEELS. Check out the details on my website.

In the meantime, I’m giving away a full set to one commenter today! So, post in the comments section what other series/books you’d love to see an RTC for, and you’ll be entered to win

Happy trading!

~Trigger (and RTC!) Happy Halliday


  1. Okay, am I excluded from the drawing because I'm a Killer? Because I really, really want a set bad!

    If you think you're out of the loop--I'm way behind you, babe. I heard about them on the loops but crap, who has time to actually go to the links to find out what all the hype is about. Thanks for cluing me in! Oh, and send me some info on how you managed to create these great cards. I need to do mine!

  2. Way cool. This is the first time I've seen them, The cars post on your site re fun.

  3. What a great idea. These cards are creative and artistic. A series that I would enjoy seeing cards for is Truth and Lies by Delphine Dryden.

  4. Thanks, ladies! I had way too much fun making these.

    Robin - At and they have templates you can download to put your own cards together. I ordered the cards from, and they have some templates, too, but not nearly as invovled as the ones on the rtc site. Good luck!


  5. I also love the cards. I'd love to see RTC for Leslie Langtry's Bombay Family series. Have a great one!

  6. Refhater - Oh, me too!! *hint, hint, Les*

    Okay, and the winner of the full set of High Heels trading cards is...traveler! Congrats! Email me your contact info and I'll send them out asap! gemmahalliday at gmail dot com

  7. You're not out of the loop, Gemma. I hadn't heard of these either, but they sound like fun! Are you going to do a set for the Hollywodd series too?
