
Tuesday, June 01, 2010

What's In My Purse?

WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!! WINNERS!!!

Okay...hubby went to get the winner and he said I needed to give away two prizes. So he pulled two: First Place Winner-- is Jane. You win the pocket pooper, a $10 gift card to B&N, the pen, pad, and lip palm.

Second Place Winner is krisgils33 and you win a copy of any one of my books, a pocket pooper, lip balm and pen.

Please send me your snail mail address at christie (at) christie-craig (dot) com.

Contests! Contests!

Today, I’m holding one contest here at KF, and a couple more at two other places:

  1. Write By Bethany – She’s interviewing me. One commenter will receive an autographed copy of Shut Up and Kiss Me
  2. Romance Novel Sluts - I’m blogging about two books I loved, but my Kitties didn’t. One commenter will receive a $10 B&N gift card.

This is how the contest here at Killer Fiction works. It’s simple. Below is the beginning of a special feature I wrote for Dorchester’s website. It’s about my secret . . . uhh . . . fantasy. I’m only sharing the beginning with you and there’s a reason. During this secret fantasy, I pull something out of my slinky black purse. All you have to do to get your name in the hat to win some great prizes is to guess what it is that I pull out of my little back purse. You don’t have to be right to get your name in the hat, I’m just interested to know what you THINK I would fantasize about having in my little black purse. Come on, you guys have read my books, you should know how my mind works by now, right?

Yeah, this one is gonna be fun! And the winner . . . and this is where it gets even better . . . the winner will receive something you could all use in your own little black purse. Are you ready for this? It’s a genuine Oops a-Daisy Super Pocket Pooper. (Yes, you read that right. The picture is below.)

But that’s not all you could win, the winner will also receive a $10 gift card to Barnes and Noble, some Shut Up & Kiss Me lip balm, and a Christie Craig pen and notepad. These are all objects that will fit in your little black purse. Okay…now that you know the rules and prizes, are you ready to play? Here’s the beginning of my feature. If you’re curious, after you post, you can go read my feature at Dorchester’s website and learn what it really was that I fantasized about being in my little black purse.

It’s Not All Fiction!

I have a secret fantasy—a deep, dark flight of my imagination that plays out over and over in my head late at night. I know, I know, this might not be the politically-correct place to share such fantasies, but I beg you to humor me for just a bit. Because I promise . . . I’ll humor you in return.

Now back to my fantasy. . . It goes something like this. I walk into a crowded room. It’s hot. Texas hot. A drip of sweat trickles down my neck and slips between my breasts. I’m thinner and taller than I am in person—hey, it’s my fantasy, I can be anything I desire—I’m wearing some slinky backless black dress, high heeled shoes that would kill me if this were real life, and I have a matching tiny black bag hanging off my shoulder. A man sees me across the room and saunters toward me. He’s tall, dark . . . are you visualizing him yet. . .

Okay…so a couple of paragraphs later, I pull something out of that little black purse. What do you think it is? Come on, let’s have some fun. Show me by your answers exactly how crazy you think I am. LOL. Seriously, don’t you want a super pocket pooper? And if not for yourself, isn’t there someone in your life who you just know would love one? Oh, and just for grins, imagine me buying them and explaining to the cashier why I wanted to buy several of them.

Oh, and don’t forget to enter my contest at my website, where you can win a bucket of summer beach fun. Contest.

To read more of my special feature at Dorchester, pop on over.


  1. A hairball your cat coughed into the bag while you were in the bathroom doing your make-up.

    Or your stepdad's Viagra your mom slipped into your purse for safekeeping during that last visit.

  2. I was thinking a water gun--this way you could spray yourself to help cool down.

  3. Suzan,

    You know me way too well!!! LOL.

    Thanks so much.


  4. Michelle,

    A water gun is good. If you read the rest of the post, you'll see I would have preferred it to a real Glock!!!

    Thanks for posting.


  5. You pull out a hand-cranked radio, because you just can't go more than a couple of hours without checking the weather report. You have a debilitating fear of tornados and this is how you manage it. the radio is hand-cranked so that you never have to worry about the battery going dead on you. You're very conscientious that way, and eco-friendly!

  6. Zita,

    I like how your mind works. And yeah, tornados are damn scary.


  7. I am thinking a dry black sexy bra and a box of condoms! This tells you where my mind is right now!

  8. Why, Virgina!!!

    Shame on you. LOL. Hey, I like the fact you know I'm always prepared and safe.


  9. Hmmm.

    An emergency Reese's Peanut Butter Cup candy bar.

    Your lipstick tube, to make sure you're looking fresh for when he crosses the room...only you realize when you take the tube out of your purse, it's not the lipstick but the stupid gag-gift "pocket rocket" your best friend gave you because you were going through a "dry spell."

  10. MsHellion,

    Ohh, I love me some Reeces peanut butter cups!!! I mean, forget any man in the room, give me chocolate.

    Hmm, pocket rocket, huh? LOL.


  11. I like Michelle's and MsHellion's answers. I was thinking chocolate, too, but I'll say a small kitten. See if your fantasy man is an animal lover. If he runs the other way, you don't want him.

  12. Edie,

    Love it, and it's so true. A man who loves animals is a keeper.


  13. Well, if we were talking about MY little black purse, I'd say, "Romance novel." Then I could hide in a corner or bathroom and refuse to mingle.

  14. Now, Ms. Hellion, you need to mingle a bit, too. A little real life is good for the soul.


  15. You reach in to pull out your phone so you can put in the number he just gave you, but you can't find it anywhere. You blush and laugh nervously and tell him that you're sure you put your phone in your purse when you got ready to leave for the evening. You end up dumping out the entire contents of your purse on the bar (a handful of crumpled tissues, a tube of lipstick, a powder compact, two condoms, a tampon, three old receipts, a pen from your bank, your wallet, a bobby pin, a tiny container of lotion, a few Tylenol and about 100 pounds of cat hair). Luckily for you, he thinks your panicked expression is adorable, so he scribbles his number on one of the receipts and tells you to call him sometime.

  16. Zorana,

    You got me with the cat hair!!! I got four of those little fellows and I wear some of them out everywhere I go. Gotta love 'em though.


  17. Posted for a friend:

    You reach into your sexy little black bag... and feel something long and hard and your wrap your hand around it and pull it out ... it is a Woody the Woodpecker pez dispenser that you picked up for..... either yourself because you have a sweet tooth and you enjoy the whimsey of the Woodpecker, or you bought it for your favorite niece of nephew.
    I hope you will add this to your Black purse contest.

    Laurie Smith
    P.S. I love your twisted sense of humor, I mean that as compliment. ha ha

  18. You pull out the accordion photo album containing photos of your beautiful granddaughter.

  19. Laurie,

    Too funny. Woody the Woodpecker is perfect. LOL.


  20. Refhater,

    Hey . . . How did you know I have one of those?


  21. You pull out your fake ID and a flask filled with moonshine.

  22. You pull out some chocolate!

  23. I'm going with condoms....just cut to the chase ;-) Or, possibly you accidentally pulled out a tampon.

  24. Jane,

    Who told you I came from a long line of moonshiners? Seriously!

    Thanks for stopping in.


  25. Chey,

    Chocolate is always good. You can never go bad with Chocolate.

    Thanks for stopping in.


  26. Alexis,

    A tampon sounds like something I would do.

    Thanks for stopping in.


  27. A coupon for a taco from California Tortilla.

  28. Krisgils33,

    This sounds as if you've had it happen before, right? LOL.

    Thanks for posting.


  29. I think you reach in and pull out your pepper spray and accidently shoot him in the face with it. Then you reach in to find a tissue to help him wipe it off and pull out a pair of red satin panties.

  30. Okay here is my submission, You reach into your sexy little black bag... and feel something long and hard and your wrap your hand around it and pull it out ... it is a Woody the Woodpecker pez dispenser that you picked up for..... either yourself because you have a sweet tooth and you enjoy the whimsey of the Woodpecker, or you bought it for your favorite niece of nephew.
    I hope you will add this to your Black purse contest.

  31. Hi Linda!

    Thanks so much for dropping by. Pepper stray works for me, girl!!! Oh, yeah!

    Have a great week.


  32. Hi Laurie,

    Yup,Faye got you posted earlier. Thanks so much for entering.

    Make sure you and everyone comes back next week, too.


  33. A lot of the good ones have been taken - how about a pad of paper and pen to make notes and take phone numbers (or to give yours out).

  34. Oh, it's got to be a condom in that slinky black dress and a few drinks and hours later. lol

  35. Since I'm late and I didn't bother to read the comments before I posted mine I'm adding another.

    You pulled out a breath mint or breath spray to spray your mouth with before you go meet that hot guy sitting with a bunch of chicks. lol
