
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Through Her Eyes

Well, it’s been a busy, busy week. I spent it with a very special person. She kept me busy, very busy. Ahh, but she’s an amazing and smart individual and for that reason I asked her to guest blog today. So, I hope you enjoy her eight tips/bits of wisdom. Please welcome Lily, my granddaughter.

Through my Eyes . . .

1. Sometimes poopy just happens . . . believe me, I know, but try not to fret too much.

2. I know we spend way too much time just running as fast as our little legs will take us,

But remember to take the time to smell a few flowers along the way.

3. Never underestimate the value of a good book!

4. Proper manners such as table etiquette is important . . .

But , sometimes you just gotta let lose and enjoy yourself!

5. Sometimes watching the world go by is a good thing!

6. No-No! No Pouting…No Whining. Just pull your big girl panties up and deal with it.

7. Hanging with people you love is a good thing!

8. Be Happy!

So. . . you see what I was doing all week. What did you guys do? Read any good books? Got any tips or bits of wisdom to share?


  1. Hi Christie,
    lovely post, lovely pictures and super lovely little girl !!
    And the pic with the dog... too cute for words.
    I was sick last week so mostly I did NOTHING except maybe moaning and whining. I read a very good book though : Leaving Paradise by Simone Elkeles. It's a Young Adult fiction/drama and I recommend it. Not as funny as your books (ok not funny at all) but very good still. Loughing would have been painful anyway... Have a great week !

  2. OMG! She's adorable. And getting so big. Wasn't it just yesterday she was born? We're jealous of all that hair. Our youngest is still sporting peach fuzz at 2.

    I spent the last couple days in a similar fashion. With my 2 and 4 year old nieces. We spent hours in McDonald's playspace. (Which btw, is not designed for adults with creaky knees.) We visited a sheep farm and petted baby lambs,colored Easter eggs (put Lily in her rain coat and the spilled dye wipes right off instead of ruining clothes,)and went to pancake breakfast where we feasted on Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes. Some of the BEST days I ever spent.

    And Joy of all Joys, the 2 year old finally decided that she wants to use the potty. I figure she just is working us for the M&M's, but who cares. Then end of diapers is near!

    Congrats on your beautiful Grand baby. They grow up too fast, don't they?

  3. Hi Emmanuelle,

    Sorry you were sick. Hmm? Leaving Paradise sounds good. I'll have to check it out. I found out that my Young Adult will be out Jan. or Feb. or 2011. They have renamed the series, Shadow Falls Camp.

    I hope you feel better and have a good week, too.

  4. Refhater,

    Thanks. We think she's cat's meow.

    Sounds as if you have a great week, too. Ahh, and nothing is like getting to the no diaper stage. I told my daughter she needed to get the little potty for the bathroom.

    Have a great week.


  5. Oh my! She's gorgeous! And walking already? How could that be? LOL!

    So smart. I can see she takes after her grandmother, in brains and height. :)

    That dog is ginormous! I bet he's great with her. Reminds me of my Dozer and how wonderful he was with kiddo when she was a baby. Gah! Now I miss him AND that little baby who now wears bigger shoes than I do!

  6. She's beautiful. What did I do this past week? I got lots of baby sugar from my first great-grandbaby. I feel your joy.

  7. Terri,

    Time does fly, doesn't it? And yes, right now the poor thing is a little short, but smarts...I'm afraid she's got me beat!

    And Jenny, the horse, is a real gym. She thinks it's her job to take care of Lily. She seriously follows her around.

    Okay...have a good week.


  8. Hi Francyne,

    Ahh, I know you had a blast loving on that baby.

    Loving on those little guys is the best.


  9. OMGosh! The pictures are adorable!

  10. Brandy,

    Thanks. She's an easy subject to take pictures of.

    Hope you have a great week.


  11. Thanks, Tori!

    It's the Craig curse. We're never classy, beautiful, or any of the other sophisticated terms, we're always cute!!!!!

    Have a great week.

