
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Down for the count...

I meant to have lovely autumn pics from the Heartland to share with you today, but despite ample antibacterial wiping and liberal use of the Lysol, the nasty flu bug that got hold of my daughter last week discovered me as well. To speed my recovery I'll be spending today wrapped up in my Snuggie blanket sipping orange juice (now that I can keep fluids down again) and watching the leaves--and rain--fall outside my front window.

Get that flu shot(s) if available. Get proper rest and take care of yourself if you do come down with the flu. I was feeling fabulous one minute and dizzy as the very devil the next so this one sneaks up on you and--like a mooching guest--is very reluctant to depart.

So take care, stay well, and I'll talk to you next week.

~Bullet Hole~


  1. Get you some rest. I got a friend on twitter who thought she was doing better, considered going back to work, but got up the next morning (today) and it's hit her all over again.

  2. Have. I have a friend on twitter. ;)

  3. Sorry to hear about the ick getting you too. I've had my flu shot, but kiddo hasn't. Mostly because she's petrified of needles and I haven't found a place for her to get that one up her nose.

    But I'm getting on that today! Hope you feel better soon.

  4. I hope you feel better soon! Get well!
