Donna Marie Rogers & Refhater won the pizza cutters!!!!
YEAH! Send me your snail mail addresses at christie (at) christie-craig.com
Thanks everyone for playing along!
CONTEST! CONTEST! Check out the info below:
You know, some things in life you learn once, like don’t stick your finger into an electric socket. Some of them you have to relearn. I did some relearning and had some deep thoughts concerning infant care after babysitting my granddaughter for three days. Below are ten lessons I relearned about being with, and tending to, a precious little individual and some questions you might be able to help me answer.
1) Burping a baby on your shoulder can lead to some very interesting beige splatter patterns down the back of your black blouse. Check before leaving the house.
2) “Aaagoo, gooogooo gaga” may not sound like real words, but without a doubt they translate into, “I love you, grandmother.”
3) Throwing a hissy fit is a natural born instinct to insure we get our basic needs met. Too bad it doesn’t continue to work on husbands for basic needs such as diamonds and expensive shoes. (What? You mean it does work?)
4) One minute to warm up a bottle can feel like a long time when you have a hungry infant who slept longer than she was supposed to.
5) Something weighing less than twelve pounds can rule and rock your world.
6) Nothing is more beautiful or more inspiring than a baby’s smile

7) Lifting a child for hours on end is the same thing as lifting weights, minus the diaper changes, but it’s still a lot more fun.
8) There is something about being around a baby or a puppy that induces your cooing and baby-talk hormone. (To attempt to hold it back is unhealthy. And if your not extremely careful, you will forget and go out in public and use the same gooey sweet tone. I think the guy at the Dry Cleaners now thinks I have a thing for him.)
9) Nothing stirs the soul like the feel of a tiny fist wrapping around your finger. Who knew the nerve endings in the finger go straight to the heart.
10) Never, no matter how tempting , check a diaper by sticking your finger inside it. You’d think this would be the same as the electric socket, but nope!

Why do we do this?:
1) When we’re with a baby, why do we say things, like:
· “I’m gonna get me a bite of toe.”
· “I’m gonna pinch your nose off. Lookie here,” said with the thumb poked between two knuckles, “I got your nose.”
· “You are so sweet I could just eat you up.” (Do those not sound cruel? And then we wonder why they have nightmares?)

2) Why is it that after the first time the “index finger in the diaper” test proves to be positive, do we continue to do it? (Am I the only one who does this?)
3) Why, after a certain age, do we preach to our kids not to talk about bodily functions, but when they are infants, we are constantly saying things like:
· “Are you going poopy? Is my baby going poopy?”
· “I think I heard a toot. Did Lilly Dale toot?”
· “Let grandma hear you burp. Come on, give me a big burp. Oh, that was a good one.” (Now, I yell at my husband and nineteen-year-old for tooting and burping, but I encourage it in my grandbaby. What’s with that?)
Okay, and now I’m hosting one more contest to celebrate the release of GOTCHA! And the prizes are extra special. I was cleaning out closets, (I will blog about this soon—are your closets as cluttered as mine?) and I found the very last two GOTCHA! pizza cutters. You have two chances to win. Chance one: Can you tell me who was Mr. Dudley in GOTCHA? ((DO NOT POST THE ANSWER IN COMMENT SECTION. Send your answer to christie(at)christie-craig.com. Second method to win: Simple post a comment here today. Come on, all it takes is a few minutes to be entered to win the “limited edition” of pizza cutter as well as a notepad and pen and some Christie Craig note cards.
Your grandbaby is seriously cute! And thanks for the funny post. I got me a nice giggle going :-). Mostly, I think, because everything you said was all too true!
ReplyDeleteCute pics!
ReplyDeleteHusband still sticks his finger in son's diaper to check things out. Son is over 2! He grumbles and groans everytime. Me? I never did that. Too risky. I always look down the back or pull it away from the leg.
Oh my! Lily is getting big!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reminder of what precious things I have to look forward to when my little bundle makes her appearance.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for stopping in.
And yup, as funny as it is, those points are true.
ReplyDeleteTell your hubby, I sympathize with him! LOL.
Thanks for stopping in.
Ahh, Jenn,
ReplyDeleteYou have so much to look forward to. Congrats again!!
Cute pictures and I'm looking forward to the read!
ReplyDeleteThanks Tetewa!
ReplyDeleteI hope that GOTCHA gets you.
Those pictures of your grandbaby are super cute. And no you aren't the only one who does the index finger in the diaper after the first time around,lol. You gotta love babies, they are too cute and precious not to.
ReplyDeleteI just started reading Gotcha and I am thoroughly enjoying it. Alas i'm not far enough to answer the question, but I can at least post here.
Great blog as always and I can't wait to read the one about cleaning out closets. I've really got to do that and I shudder to think what i'll find,lol.
What a cutie! I never stick my finger in the diaper. I always pull it out and peek for brown stuff. And there's the sniff test, but I'm not crazy about that either.
ReplyDeleteI'll bet you that my closet is worse than yours!!! AGGG!
Thanks so for popping over.
And I can't wait for you to learn Mr. Dudley's identity. LOL.
Hi Edie,
ReplyDeleteShe is a cutie! And such a sweetheart. For sure, she has the stings to my heart.
Thanks so much for stopping in.
Aw, what a darling little thing. I wanted another baby but got a kitten instead. Took care of that urge with no problem. And I do talk baby talk to the kitten. No wonder he looks at me like I'm crazy.
ReplyDeleteLike Michelle, I'm not far enough in to have met Mr. Dudley yet, but I already have my pizza cutter anyway. :)
Never did the finger test. But I'm guilty of checking for teeth only to get bit. Another thing we do over and over and never learn.
Oh Christie
ReplyDeleteLilly is a doll and I know that you are in 7th heaven when you are with her. Babies are true wonders of the world, you can be having the worst day of your life, ready to kick the doors, scream, throw fits-then your grandchild (or child) looks at you and smiles and you just melt. Or they giggle and run to you waving their hands and wanting to be picked up. How can you stay mad at the world when a baby is around. Even when they spit up on you- I don't think I own a blouse that hasn't been tagged by one or more of my grandchildren
ReplyDeleteYou brought back some memories with your teeth comment. Oh yes, I remember doing that numerous times!!
And I guess I have "getting bit" to look forward to with Lilly.
Ahh Ruth,
ReplyDeleteYou are so right. They make the world a brighter lovly place.
Thanks for stopping in.
Thanks for sharing Lily's pictures so we can all see how much she's grown. She is precious and just getting to the social stage...and isn't that a wonderful stage.
ReplyDeleteLet's face it. When changing diapers, it's plain easier for most of us to say the words “Are you going poopy? Is my baby going poopy?” rather than "Lily, let's talk about the esoteric aspect of quantum physics today, okay?" even if the same baby talk tone is used.
I already have (and use) the pizza cutter so no need to enter me today.
I can't remember who Mr. Dudley is offhand, but that is one cute baby.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful grandbaby! She's getting so big. Next thing you know she'll be driving!
ReplyDeleteWith our girls we never had need of the finger in the diaper check. They would cry at the first sign of dampness. And you could smell their "dirty" ones from miles away.
As for the closets, Mine are currently cluttered with the girls toys or boxes of books. The toys are garage sale treasures that the girls really don't need but the girls wanted them and they only cost a quarter. (Yes, I'm wrapped around their little fingers.) And since I read a lot the books tend to pile up.
such a cutie patootie she is; I talk baby talk to babies and too my dog. Just can't help it.
ReplyDeleteGotcha is sounding better as time goes on.
You gotta love being a grandmother!
ReplyDeleteTerry S.
ReplyDeleteYou're right, talking about physics in that voice just doesn't seem right, but it might not be a bad idea! LOL.
She is getting big, isn't she? Ahh, and she's such a darling.
I'm glad you are using your pizza cutter, girl.
ReplyDeleteThanks girl. We think she's darn near perfect.
Thanks for stopping in.
ReplyDeleteDriving? Oh, please, let me just enjoy these next few minutes without cringing in fear!
I just boxed up another to-be-red box of books and pushed them in the corner. I wish I could read faster!
ReplyDeleteA puppy, kitten or baby brings out the gooey voice in me so fast. Thanks so much for stopping in.
ReplyDeleteNothing beats those little rug rats. I love making her laugh.
Thanks so much for popping in.
Love number 8, Christie, it had me on the floor. LOL Everything you said is true. Babies do not realize the power they have over adults. Actually, I can't wait to be a grandmother--and my sons are not even married yet!!!
ReplyDeleteYour Lilly is darling!
Just one thing to say about Lily...awwwwww! Enjoy! BTW GOTCHA will be my entertainment on my flight day after tomorrow. With all the rave reviews, can't wait to get to the airport!
ReplyDeleteThanks, I'm glad I gave you a good laugh.
And oh my, oh my, those grandbabies are extra special. This is my first and I'm loving it.
Hi Nancy,
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your book and the flight.
Thanks so much for popping in while on vacation.
Oh what a cute little baby. There is nothing like being around babies. I makes you want one again. That was the way it was when my great niece was born and then I think I don't want to go through that again, I will wait for grandbabies to spoil. I will have a while on that but thats ok. My son is only twenty so I hope it will be a while on those grandbabies.
ReplyDeleteIt does make you think, wow, I should have more than two. But then I think about getting up with them every night. Dealing with the terrible twos and teenage years.
A friend of my always said, "Why did I just have chickens, then when I got tired of them I could just cook 'em."
Thanks for stopping in.
ReplyDeleteI think that for a bit, but then I remember I have keep raising them through teenage years and I decided that having them as grandbabies is much, much better.
Thanks for stopping in.
Christie, what a beautiful little girl! So adorable! I meant to check your post out earlier, but I've been engrossed in this awesomely funny book, Divorced, Desperate and Delicious. *g* And I'm so excited Jason & Sue are the stars in the next book sitting on my nightstand! LOL
ReplyDeleteHi Donna,
ReplyDeleteIf there was ever a forgivable reason for being late to my blog, you just gave it! LOL.
Thanks girl.
And Lilly Dale is doll.
What a cute grandbaby!
ReplyDeleteOh, gorgeous pics!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd lol, I just know they are chattering away to us in baby speak, too!!!
Hi Phyllis,
ReplyDeleteThanks girl. She wiggled her way into my heart, all right.
ReplyDeleteCan't you just hear her? What's funny is that she doesn't quite know how to laugh yet. But when she gets really tickled she makes this strange hissing sound. And hey, she's related to me so she does it a lot. It's so funny.
Thanks for stopping in.
Congrats to the winners!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a precious baby!!! What fun!!