
Friday, August 29, 2008

Lights and Sounds and Safety – Oh My!

So, this week I had a totally interesting, intelligent, personal blog post written… and then someone emailed me a link to this site. And I laughed so hard I deiced there was no way I could NOT blog about it this week. The site is called Wacky Rubbers and they sell… well, wacky rubbers. And I’m not talking galoshes. Now, I’ve heard of specialty love-gloves before. Neon colored, glow-in-the-dark, even flavored. But these… well, you just have to see for yourself.

An elephant. Complete with tusks. (Um, ouch. Just ouch.)

A beer stein. (Now you can combine the two favorite male pastimes – beer and sex!)

Jana – this one’s for you… an alligator! (Yeah, if there’s one place I don’t want an alligator…)

The Statue of Liberty. (Patriotic... or just wrong.)

Oh, but it gets better…

Press the tip and this little devil has a flashing light. It actually lights up. I cannot even imagine the practical applications. For sex in a blackout? Finding your way in the dark?

But my absolute favorite…

A birthday cake that plays the song Happy Birthday when you press the tip. Seriously. It’s musical. (I know, I just peed my pants laughing a little, too.)

For the very curious among you, you can check out this page where they have demonstration videos of how the flashing and musical buddies work. I swear I got a side cramp laughing at it.

These must, must, must end up in someone’s book soon.

~Trigger Happy Halliday


  1. That is too darn funny. I guess he needs the light to find his way.

  2. huh. not for me. i'm with you, just ouch on some of those!

  3. "Yeah, if there’s one place I don’t want an alligator…"

    Hmmm..., that brings new meaning to the pjrase "up to your ass in alligators."

  4. Yeah, not for me either, Keri. I'm trying to figure out just who would buy these. Like, who are these happy little creatures for? How could a guy not feel silly wearing one... on the other hand if I saw one coming at me, I'd be dying laughing.


  5. I don't know Gemma. You know how men are. They'd get themselves all aroused just to put the things on and watch them light up!

  6. OMG - Funny funny. I LOVVE these! NOT that I would EVER use one of these but my goodness, HOW FUN! I'm thinking a great bridal shower gift! LOL

    Thanks Keri for the heads up and link

  7. Oh, my gawd!

    Can you see a heroine giving one of these to a hero?

    Ohhh, I'm getting ideas.


  8. ROFLMAO!!! I didn't know anything like these even existed! It's just too funny!

    Rhonda :-)

  9. I'm just looking at some of those shapes wondering if a penis would really fit into those.

    Also, I looked at the page. . . love the fact that it has categories to choose from - include one called "funny", because all the rest of the condoms are so serious.

    Just too funny. Thanks for the Friday laugh.

  10. I almost choked on my coffee from laughing so hard. Not really practical, but I'm thinking they'd make excellent gag gifts at bachelor parties/bridal showers, etc.

    And yeah, someone needs to add these to a book. I'm thinking Christie... :)

  11. This is too funny! I almost spit my soda on the computer. Do these actually work?
