
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I Wanna Go Back To My City By The Bayayayay...

Cheers from San Francisco! I'm here with Gemma, Christie and Jana for the annual Romance Writers of America's Lounge Lizards '08 Tour. Before I go any further, I just got a message from my editor, Lovely Leah, where she shares with me - and I share with you (because I'm ALLLLLLL about the Sesame Street) my latest Romantic Times Magazine review for STAND BY YOUR HITMAN! Are you ready? Here it is;

Langtry takes reality shows to hilarious extremes in her newest Bombay family romp. This wildly-over-the-top series about a family of assassins is populated with offbeat characters and wacky scenarios, all of which lead to a hilarious read. When it comes to assassin-filled comedy, Langtry has cornered the market!

Woo hoo! I've cornered the assassin-filled comedy market!!! And she used "hilarious!" TWICE!
And in an unbelievable moment, my doctor called this morning to tell me my bloodwork is back and my cholesterol is excellent - which is a miracle because I eat like an Iowa farmer - gravy, cheese, bacon and of course, cake. Lots of cake.

It's gonna be a good conference, I think.

So we got in yesterday and walked through Chinatown to North Beach to pay our respects at my Mecca - City Lights books. After wandering the shelves in a reverent daze for a couple of hours, we went next door to my favorite bar on the planet - Vesuvio. This is where Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti hung out. Tom and I felt it only fitting (at 1 in the afternoon no less) to have Jack Kerouac's favorite drink, a concoction including fruit juice, tequilla and rum. Of course, it was so good we had to have three more. Let's just say I don't remember making it back to the hotel. I do remember throwing my arms around Kim in the lobby and hugging her, but other than that it's a blur. (Kim, I apologize right now for anything and everything I might have said, done, or thought about - Mea Culpa!)

Today the conference begins and I'm really looking forward to seeing all my friends again!

Hope all is well with you wherever you are!

The Assassin

1 comment:

  1. Have a great time in San Francisco, Leslie! And whatever you do, go to Ruth Kenjura's party on Friday night. It'll be worth it.
