Cheers from San Francisco! I'm here with Gemma, Christie and Jana for the annual Romance Writers of America's Lounge Lizards '08 Tour. Before I go any further, I just got a message from my editor, Lovely Leah, where she shares with me - and I share with you (because I'm ALLLLLLL about the Sesame Street) my latest Romantic Times Magazine review for STAND BY YOUR HITMAN! Are you ready? Here it is;
Langtry takes reality shows to hilarious extremes in her newest Bombay family romp. This wildly-over-the-top series about a family of assassins is populated with offbeat characters and wacky scenarios, all of which lead to a hilarious read. When it comes to assassin-filled comedy, Langtry has cornered the market!
Woo hoo! I've cornered the assassin-filled comedy market!!! And she used "hilarious!" TWICE!
And in an unbelievable moment, my doctor called this morning to tell me my bloodwork is back and my cholesterol is excellent - which is a miracle because I eat like an Iowa farmer - gravy, cheese, bacon and of course, cake. Lots of cake.
It's gonna be a good conference, I think.
So we got in yesterday and walked through Chinatown to North Beach to pay our respects at my Mecca - City Lights books. After wandering the shelves in a reverent daze for a couple of hours, we went next door to my favorite bar on the planet - Vesuvio. This is where Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti hung out. Tom and I felt it only fitting (at 1 in the afternoon no less) to have Jack Kerouac's favorite drink, a concoction including fruit juice, tequilla and rum. Of course, it was so good we had to have three more. Let's just say I don't remember making it back to the hotel. I do remember throwing my arms around Kim in the lobby and hugging her, but other than that it's a blur. (Kim, I apologize right now for anything and everything I might have said, done, or thought about - Mea Culpa!)
Today the conference begins and I'm really looking forward to seeing all my friends again!
Hope all is well with you wherever you are!
The Assassin
Have a great time in San Francisco, Leslie! And whatever you do, go to Ruth Kenjura's party on Friday night. It'll be worth it.