Yet Another Great Shoe Story
By Jordan Dane
Do you remember little Dorothy Gale? She was a terribly naïve teen from Kansas with questionable taste in fashion who owned a scruffy little dog named Toto. Dorothy used to daydream about traveling “over the rainbow.” (During the 60s, anyone might have accused her of partaking in one too many shrooms—but for the sake of this post—work with me.)
Before I sold, Dorothy and I had a lot in common, but like her, a looming cataclysmic event would change my future.
Avon HarperCollins purchased my debut series in auction and is about to launch an aggressive back to back release event for all three books April through June 2008. By the time my releases happen, I have no doubt my experience will be comparable to little Dorothy’s. She’d been swept away by a tornado from her black and white world into the cosmic rainbow colored realm of Oz with its Munchkins, Emerald City, and enchanted ruby red slippers.
Getting published in this manner can be exhilarating and frightening at the same time, like being sucked into a life-changing vortex and whisked away to a distant and strange land. Here’s my take on it.
Selling felt like it had taken an Act of God. But now that I have embraced a full-time writing life, there are days it feels like winged primates are dive-bombing my head with deadlines, copy edits, and promotion. And whenever insecurity creeps up like bad underwear—when I ask myself, “My God, what were you thinking?”—I pray my good witch Glinda (my agent) will swoop down and reassure me that I had the power all along. And that my bodacious red slippers, that I’d worn from day one, had indeed helped me weather the storm. The similarities are astounding. Don’t you think? And for a chance at finding charming reader companions like Scarecrow, Lion, and Tin Man, my future journey down yellow brick road may be fraught with wicked naysayer witches and indifferent review wizards.
Are you beginning to see the parallels like I did? (Pass the shrooms. It might help.)
I believe that if you squint real hard and get your head wrapped around this concept, getting published can feel like being blown Into an alternative universe where snappy red slippers are not just a fashion statement. Depleting hourglasses, flying chimps, burning scarecrows, and witches who melt when doused by H2O can be daunting unless you know how to wield the power of a good pair of shoes.
So my question is—if you could possess magic ruby red slippers, what powers would they have and how would you use them?
Welcome to Killer Fiction, Jordan, and great post!!
ReplyDeleteHmma. Magical powers. Well, when it comes to writing, I'd love to have a pair of ruby slippers (or fuzzy ones, for that matter) that, when I tapped my heels together, my muse would appear like a genie from a bottle ready to do my bidding.
Absent the writing element, I'd really love the ability to click my heels and be transported to new and exciting locales. I love experiencing new places, but I'm not that thrilled with the sometimes tedious process of getting there.
Happy First Day of Spring, Everyone!
~Bullet Hole~
Great post. And I'd sure grab more hours in the day, but still manage to get a good night's sleep.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'd agree with Kathy about the new locales, thing, too.
Oh... and that programming of any new skill like the way it was possible in the Matrix movies wouldn't be bad, either. ;-)
Howdy, Jordan!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping in and visiting us at Killer Fiction. Loved the blog. And yup, I see the parallels, and I have had my java yet, much less any shrooms.
As for my magic powers--if I had any? Hmmm.... I'd grow about six inches, and lose about 30 pounds. I'd make non-fat food taste wonderful, my house would magically pick up itself, and rude people breaking in line at the grocery store would suddenly be hit with a bad stomach ache and have to make a run to the restroom.
Have a great day, Jordon! I can't wait to read your books.
Crime Scene Christie
Hey guys--Thanks for having me here this morning. I'm attempting to write without my java, so remember that.
ReplyDeleteWould it be great to beam yourself all over the world?
Like Jen, I'd probably like to find more time in the day to do everything I'd like to. Maybe by asking for small stuff, it might happen.
And if my little red shoes could produce Keanu dressed in black, I'd be all over that. LOL
LOL Christie---You are so funny, girl. Garfield always says that he is not overweight, he is under tall. If I grew tall enough to look good, I'd really stand out in a crowd.
ReplyDeleteI could sure use a genie to help me plot right now.
ReplyDeleteI've got sabotage on my brain and don't know enough about the technical aspects or security measures of a nuke plant to make this work well at the moment. I've been to enough large and secured facilities to make it sound okay for fiction but I need someone to pick their brain on plausibility.
I've been clicking my red fuzzy slippers together until my heels are purple. Jeezz
Man, Christie--Using my shoes in traffic would be heaven. It would be so much more effective than the finger.
ReplyDeleteHow goes the writing everyone? Any new projects you care to share?
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to push on a book that is due at the end of August. Seems like plenty of time, but all this release business is more than a little distracting. A self-inflicted wound I would say.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, instead of hearing people say..."Did you see that? I think she just gave me the finger!" they’d be saying," Did you see that? I think she just clicked her heels at me!" Of course, clicking your heels at someone would lose all effect if you were driving down the freeway. Unless you are a contortionist.
Crime Scene Christie
This is tough, but you know I have friends all over the world from my many jobs and I would have to pick Time Travel Continuum Clogs.
ReplyDeleteComfort and Practicality.
In Philly for lunch, Raleigh for dinner and watching the sunset in Baltimore.
Good to see you again, Jordan.
Counting down, 5 days to release!!
You're right, Christie. The finger is universal and a real crowd pleaser.
Hey Tina---Clogs? Do you have to know how to do that wierd Lord of the Dance shit?
ReplyDelete'Cause I can't hang wid that, baby!
This is for Kathy (& some of you others who are pubbed)
ReplyDeleteWhat advice would you give a new author whose book isn't quite out yet?
I've learned so much since this whole process started, but I have no idea what to expect in the next few months after my release. Mostly, I'm trying to write and stay focused on that.
Wow, I think I could tell you quicker what I would NOT do with a pair of slippers! Mine would be called "Keri's Make Life Easier Shoes"
ReplyDeleteForget the finger. Somebody cut me off in traffic? *click,click* what do you know, they just ran out of gas and are on the side of the road.
Fun post Jordan. And whoa if your publishing story isn't a way to get on the fast track, I don't know what is! Good with the releases and strap your shoes on tight for the run so you don't pull a Cinderella!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLOL Keri---It would be just my luck I'd pull a Cinderella and lose my glass slipper to a prince who cross dressed and wanted the other shoe.
ReplyDeleteI am really getting into the red shoes in traffic thing. Christie got me thinking, that's for sure.
Anybody going to Thrillerfest in NYC in July?
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna be such a fan of all those great authors. I just hope I don't make a complete ass of myself.
And RWA nationals later in the month will be amazing. San Fran is a great town. I used to live there and hope to spend a day or two outside the conference to enjoy it.
Let's see...
ReplyDeleteclick my shoes and the dishes are done.
click my shoes and the kids quit fighting.
click my shoes and someone is tiptoeing into the solace of my private study with a gourmet healthy lunch. They set it unobtrusively on the credenza and slip out without speaking, leaving me uninterrupted in my quest for the right words, the brilliant dialogue and the perfect plot.
Hi, Jordan.
Betty here. Stealth Blogging again from the confines of closet office at work.
Click your heels and you don't have to work, Betty. Damn, why didn't I think of that years ago?
ReplyDeleteI asked my niece once that if she had spandex in her closet and could be a superhero, what would her powers be. And she told me she'd be invisible and gave me her reasoning behind that.
I told her it was just so she could see people naked.
Stealth blogging is as close as I can come to being invisible, but no naked people...please.
Ahhh. Super powers are a different issue. I would like to hear people's thoughts. Wouldn't that be a trip?
ReplyDeleteYou know, I don't think I'd want to do that one. I'm too insecure to want to know everything.
ReplyDeleteAnd if I could do it, that would mean others might be able to do the same thing against me. None of us would have a moment to ourselves to be nasty. And that's just not right. Nasty is a God-given right.
I'd like to click my little red shoes and become Oprah for a weekend. I'd have to ditch Stedman though.
ReplyDeleteTo a more serious topic. Where do you meet your killers? Do they come from composites of real felons? Or the dark recesses of your creative mind? Which came first your antagonists or protagonists?
ReplyDeleteActually, it's scary to think about it now that you ask, but I think they come from the recesses of my mind.
ReplyDeleteAuthor Lee Child says we should write what we fear and that's where mine come from. I really love my villains though. They come in all shapes, sizes, and personality disorders.
Recently, I created a Russian guy for Book#4 and I have to say that he scared me, similar to Logan MCBride (my mercenary sociopath)in NO ONE LEFT TO TELL. I may have told you about this guy, Betty, but this Russian has plenty of room to grow in my new series. I'm going to see to that. I like to discover them as I write and I keep adding more depth to their depravity.
But on the flip side of that coin, I give voice to the victims of crimes and in order to do that well, I think you have to paint a very dark picture of your bad guy so the reader is more afraid for your hero/heroine and the innocents along the way. For me, the darker they are, they better the feeling when you kick his ass at the end.
Oh and my protagonists usually come first. So far. Since the story is told thru their eyes, I want them to be the first image I get so I can tailor their worst nightmare as the antagonist. But I'm open to flipping that if I find the right bad guy.
ReplyDeleteWell, the problem with stealth blogging from work is that sometimes work intervenes. GTG
ReplyDeleteI'll check back later if I get a chance.
I'm grabbing a late breakfast and will be back on later. If anyone has comments or questions, I'll check back.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the ride, Jordan! This has got to be the most exciting time in any author’s life. Chaotic – yes. But you’ll always remember your first release.
ReplyDeleteI CAN NOT wait for your books to be out! Seriously, I’ve got a little red circle on the 25th on my calendar. I have a feeling you’re gonna scare the crap out of me. In a good way.
My ruby slippers would summon a line of shirtless cabana boys ready to do my bidding whenever I please. Mute ones. Shhh... look pretty, boys, but please don’t talk. ;)
ReplyDeleteJust stopping by to say hello to my fellow Dorch authors and to Jordan. I've been waiting for your first book since finding you on MySpace months ago. How excited you must be with your release date in less than a week!
As for those ruby slippers...it's easy. I would click my heels three times and morning traffic would part like the Red Sea.
Hey Gemma--I like the mute cabana boys. And if they could cook and do laundry, we might have something.
ReplyDeleteHow are things in diva land? You are really kickin' butt and takin' names, girl.
Hey Farrah--Don't you just love MySpace. I love my peeps out there. It's my haven for weirdness.
ReplyDeleteRuby slippers and magic powers....
ReplyDeleteClicking my heels would make the nearest rude person get their comeuppance.
They'd also have to fit and be invisible.
The invisible is because as a male I'd rather be razzed for being in my stocking feet than wearing ruby slippers!
And Jordan you have to be a little cautious about researching things like nuclear power plants these days or you might get a visit from the Feds :(
I figured I've been on someone's LIST since I researched making pipe bombs on the Internet.
ReplyDeleteI'm not planning on being another Tom Clancy with the details but I still need to make the basic premise plausible. Sigh
Just back from yet another college visit. Man I wish these kids would decide where the heck they want to go.
ReplyDeleteJordan asked about what advice I might have for someone who has a book just about to come out. I actually think you're doing just what you need to be doing right now, Jordan, and that's getting the buzz out about your series. I've seen you on countless blogs and posting on lots of loops. This garners you name recognition, as well.
Later you'll want to submit your books to the most prestigious contests and build that 'award-winning author' tag. We all know you're destined for the NY Times Bestseller List.
I'd also add a reminder to take some time and enjoy this incredible moment in your life. You've so earned it. I know that's hard to do with follow up books, galleys, promo, etc., but I think it's important to savor your success.
Anyone else have any other advice?
~Bullet Hole~
As far as new projects go, I'm doing Bullet Hole's 'Half a Book In Two Weeks' regimen in an attempt to finish a book I started two years ago. The book, a suspense/thriller and the first book in a new series, is a serious departure from the humorous antics of Calamity and Company. It's intense, emotional, and gritty, and I'm having way too much fun writing on the dark side.
ReplyDelete~Bullet Hole~
I am soooo glad to hear you venturing to the dark side, skywalker. I think you can still have moments of humor in your writing because it's you. I do the same, but the emotional layering and the creep factor can be intriguing to write and with your law enforcement background, you'd be a natural.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with that. And thanks for the advice. I'm especially trying to find a balance in it all right now, and enjoyment and kicking back is a good place to start. You've given me something to think about.
Hey Kathy--Thanks so much for being a great host. It was fun chatting with friends. I've got my email set to tell me when someone comments or asks a question, but thanks for having me.
ReplyDeleteWe loved having you as a guest blogger, Jordan! I'll be on the look-out for your book the 25th. It will make a very nice birthday gift for Bullet Hole here who 'celebrates' the 24th.
ReplyDeleteThanks again!
Thanks...I can't wait to see it on the shelves. One of those crazy things authors do.
ReplyDeleteOh I'd make it real easy - slippers that would grant me any wish whenever I wanted and the capability to cancel the wish if I want because you know how they say - be careful what you wish for.
ReplyDeleteI would like my red slippers to give me the power to grant health to whomever asked for it.
ReplyDeleteEstella--You would win the best wish ever if I had the power to grant it.
ReplyDeleteAnd Catslady--your wish scares the hell out of me. LOL
OMG, yes, I get totally crazy when I see my book on the shelves! This past week I saw my latest book on the shelves in target – on the bestseller shelf no less! I did a total squeal thing and took a picture with my phone. The other shoppers in Target though I was nuts. Whatever. I still signed them all then took another picture. :)
Gemma---LOL You crack me up. I really want to make a run to all the stores and CVS and Walmarts etc and sign every book I can find, after I take a pic.
ReplyDeleteSo, this never stops, huh? You do it for every book. LOL That's too funny.
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