
Wednesday, March 05, 2008

How I Finally Stopped Worrying And Learned To Love The Blog

First of all I must apologize. I'm on a deadline for final edits of STAND BY YOUR HITMAN so I don't have much. I know you are expecting some story where I tell you how I was easily outwitted by my girl scouts/children/mailman/cat/the Illuminati/etc. but all my creative energy is going into the book. That is why the title of this blog is longer than the actual blog.

You'd think that with two books under my belt (why do they say that? Who shoves books under their belts? It's so NOT slenderizing at all) I'd be less of a greenhorn (and how did they come up with that? Did incompetent people in the wild west have green horns growing out of their temples? Someone please look that up). But when my lovely (and she really is lovely!) editor writes "don't tell us that she thinks he's intelligent - show us," all I can think of is how to transcribe a quadratic equation or solve the mystery of cold fusion (I can't do either - by the way) in dialogue form. Oh well, I'll figure it out.

I do have this to share, though - one of my favorite fan letters ever. The woman went on and on (yay!) about how much she likes my books and ended with this shimmering spoonfull of wisdom:

"Your words made my day suck a little less."

I'm thinking of having that stenciled on my office walls.

I'll write more next week.

The Assassin


  1. I love that and can totally see it on a dedication page!

    Here's to hopeing your day's a little less suckie when you reach The End


  2. Definitely words to live by. :)

  3. I'm only in the middle of book one, but I can say feel free to dedicate all your creativity to the book. If that will get it in my hands quicker. LOL!

    Love the picture. Cute puppy.

  4. I have to agree. Your books do make my days suck a little less.


    Goes back to the 17th and 18th centuries and the jewellery manufacturing industry. Some items of decoration were a bit like cameo brooches, only made from horn and inset in to silver frames. The horn was usually decorated with a figure, often a head, and this was impressed in the brown horn by heating the horn to a specific temperature and shaping over a mould. Too high a temperature would result in the horn ending up green, not its original and desired brown. Such an outcome was regularly produced by the apprentices — hence they came to be called greenhorns.

    Yeah, you're welcome.

  5. Amen. Leave the creativity in the book. Blogs are meant to be short and sweet and not random tangents like all of mine most certainly become. LOL

    Besides, this was a great blog. It was meant to be funny, right?

    Good luck! And whatever fan told you that, genius! I know your words make my days suck a little less too. Most importantly the bear scene. And Paris.

  6. Leslie,

    Great blog, girl! And I love the dog. He is yours right?

    And that fan letter is terrific!


    Crime Scene Christie

  7. Great post. Just be like the dog and RELAX!

  8. Leslie,

    What a great fan letter! I don't blame you for loving it!

    Best of luck with the deadline. We're all rooting for you.


  9. Oh how cool is that!?

    Good luck with your edits! I'll be joining you in the deadline cave myself soon.


  10. You guys rock! Thank you for your support - it means a lot to me! And thanks for the explanation of "greenhorn" - I never would've guessed that.

    Well, back to work!


  11. I'd be honored to ever get a fan letter like that!

    Good luck with the edits.
