
Thursday, November 22, 2007


It's Thanksgiving, 2007, and already I'm behind. I'm still in my p.j.'s--a treat in and of itself as I normally hit the ground running before five a.m. and am dressed for 'success' by six. I've enjoyed reading the other Killer Fiction authors Thanksgiving blogs--what blessings they are most thankful for, what special memories or traditions this day holds for them. As I sit here in my gray, baggy, but warm and comfy sweatpants and sweatshirt, in my warm, cozy home, I can't help but think about how many of our fellow Americans won't be sitting down to a big, long table with the place-settings filled with their loved ones, but instead are serving our country many miles away from their homes and families. So today I feel especially grateful for those individuals who sacrifice and serve so Americans from sea to shining sea might sit down this day with our dearest friends and family members and celebrate those blessings of liberty secured--and maintained--for our nation at a very high cost, indeed, and--sadly, we often take for granted. Myself included. So this Thanksgiving I salute our men and women in uniform who dedicate their lives in service to our country. God bless you and keep you safe.

I'm nostalgic, too, this Thanksgiving as it marks the last year my children will be at home. Next year, who knows where each of us will be and whether we will be together so all thoughts of writing and housework and email are set aside for the day and replaced with jigsaw puzzles, (we're still struggling to finish that 1,500 piece puzzle I bought several months ago!) games, and movies--along with lots of good food. And yes, Bullet Hole is roasting a bird. I know. Scary thought, isn't it? Especially for said bird...!

What's even scarier is the thought that I might actually be crazy enough to join those psycho shoppers who venture out at midnight or four a.m. tomorrow to hit the stores for those 'Black Friday' sales. But, hey, who can resist DVD's for three bucks each? Or baby crock pots for five dollars? Or feetie pajamas for ten smackaroos?

Okay. 'Fess up. How many of you will be shopping 'til you drop tomorrow???? Uh, see you there.

Oh, and have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving holiday while you're at it...

~Bullet Hole~


  1. Kathy...

    Thank you for taking the time this morning, in your PJs, for making this wonderful post.

    Indeed, we need to be thankful for all those who serve our country.

    And yep, I'm sure that bird is shaking. Here's hoping the jigsaw puzzle gets put together, that food is delicious, and you all have a wonderful holiday.

    Crime Scene Christie

  2. Thank you, Christie. Sometimes I feel helpless to show the true depth of my appreciation for those who protect and defend our nation. It's a selfless--and often thankless job.

    Dinner update: 'Tom' is now roasting away in the oven and I already sport a light dusting of flour from homemade noodles. Yes, I said homemade, folks. No Reames frozen noodles for the Bacus clan!

    My luck, the kids will think they're dumplings...

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Christie!

    ~Bullet Hole~

  3. Happy turkey day to all! And yes I will be one of those crazed shoppers who are going to the midnight madness opening! So ladies let the game ...uh, I mean shopping begin!

  4. I actually must admit to having done the 'midnight madness & mayhem' scene many times, Blondie 0409. I can remember recruiting friends and family to come with me when they had a limit on a certain item (Game Boys come to mind here) and I had four to buy for. It's a 'high' when you are able to buy great gifts at bargain prices. Especially times four!

    Dinner update: 'Tom' has suffered a severe wing detachment on one side, his meat breaking free of the bone. He smells great, though! Green bean casserole is ready to pop in the oven, relish tray is finished, and I'm getting ready to focus on the desserts.

    ~Bullet Hole~

  5. You're a brave woman, indeed, if you venture out to the stores tomorrow! I might give it a go if somebody paid me a lot of money, but... I think I'll just do my shopping online. Much less stressful. *g*

  6. More like needing my head examined rather than bravery, Tori. As I wait outside the doors with other early-birds, I think about the news stories of patrons trampled as a mass of humanity erupts into a store in search of Tickle Me Elmo. So not what I want as a holiday memory.

    Dinner update: Ohmigosh! My turkey looks like it's succombed to avian bird flu! I went to baste it and the @#! thing was split down the freaking middle (think National Lampoon Christmas here!) and looked like someone on crack had performed a half-@!#! aviary autopsy on it using tongs! The bird has this empty chasm and virtually NO BREASTS!

    I should take a picture. You wouldn't believe it!

    Off to do damage control...

    ~Bullet Hole~

  7. Happy Thanksgiving! I'm also thankful for the men & women who serve our country.

    I'll be one of those idiots out in the morning! I love shopping & if I can get something a lot cheaper even better!

  8. I will not be out shopping on Black Friday. The crowds are just too crazy!

  9. Good post. :-)

    But to answer your question - I'm not a shopper without the big crowds, much less with them. I tend to shop in spurts...get a lot done and then not shop for another year or so. Unfortunately, the desire to shop is building and I'm wanting to go out tomorrow - not for the sales but to get it out of my system. *sigh* someone save me, please! LOL

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  10. I whole-heartedly agree that our troops should receive a big whooping thank you from everyone. We wouldn't have the privilege of our lives without them!

    Great post, Kathy, and I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  11. A big hearty Thanksgiving blessing to our troops in Iraq. My nephew is one of them. I pray that they all are kept safe.

    I am sorry but I am not one of the brave souls that shop on Friday. I sit in my nice cozy chair, warm and toasty, eating my leftover pumpkin pie with whip cream, yum, while watching my favorite t.v. shows. All you brave souls out there tell us what great deals you found today!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. I actually wimped out, Stacy, and stayed home. I decided there wasn't anything we needed badly enough to haul my cookies out at four a.m. And since I rarely have the opportunity to sleep in, I decided to do that on Black Friday. Hope you survived without trauma and found oodles of bargains!

    Oh, and I figured out why Tom Turkey ripped apart. Somehow I had put him breast-side down in the roaster!!! I've decided. Next year we eat out.

    ~Bullet Hole~

  13. I'm with you, Estella. Can you believe that a woman was arrested at a shopping mall in Des Moines after midnight on Black Friday for leaving her two-year-old alone in the car while she went in to shop???? A passerby saw the child in the car and phoned police. Just outrageous--and why it's safer to be at home when there are nuts like that out and about...

    ~Bullet Hole~

  14. I'm wondering if you gave in to temptation, Lucy, and ventured out to shop. I confess I'm not much of a shopper and never have been. I've shopped on-line for the last few years and much prefer that to hitting the malls.

    ~Bullet Hole~

  15. Despite a few minor glitches in the cooking department, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We finally finished the horrendously difficult puzzle I bought weeks back--and started and finished a new holiday one. Plus, we watched the BBS Pride and Prejudice mini series from the '90s with Colin Firth. Very nicely done, I thought.

    Hope your holiday was great, as well, Jana!

    ~Bullet Hole~

  16. Now that's my idea of a holiday, Michele! And yes, absolutely, if anyone nabbed some fabulous bargains, do tell!

    ~Bullet Hole~
