I recently realized that I hadn’t filled in my profile for the webpage. And sure, I’ve told you guys about my dust bunnies, my husband’s spot cleaning adventures, and my troublesome friends, but in all reality you might not know much about me. So I decided that this week, I’d post an interview I was forced into doing by my web mistress.
My webmistress told me that I needed to answer some questions for my Christie's Info page. Now, this made me wonder what she'd spiked her coffee with that morning. Doesn't she know I'm Southern? Which basically means, not only am I long-winded, but I seldom tell the truth if a lie makes a better story. Nevertheless, against my better judgment, I agreed.
Web Mistress—Question: What are your goals?
Christie's Answer: (Is she kidding? Fine, I'll do it.) I have three goals in life. (Okay, that's a little white lie, I have more than three, but only three are PC enough to share.)
1. To write entertaining books that will make my readers laugh out loud and want to fall in love all over again. Readers may or may not then want to trade in their husbands for some hunky guys like my heroes or my real-life hero, my husband. (Okay that last part about my husband isn't really a lie, but I might be stretching it a bit.)
2. To help other people reach their dream of publication. (You might be thinking that's awfully generous of me, but I'm really not all that giving. I just love the high I get when I see other people meet their own goals. Plus, I figure they will be indebted to me and buy my books.)
3. To grow taller. (Let's just say that I don't get to enjoy all the rides at the theme parks.)
Now, I know that third goal presents a bit of a problem. Being like most women writers in their early thirties (the age thing is just an out-and-out lie,) I spend most of my time at the computer and enjoy working out my brain more than my body. That's why I'm considering altering the third goal to read…“To grow smaller.” Smaller, as in pants size and not in height.
Web Mistress—Question: Where are you from and where do you live now? Do you have family?
Christie's Answer: Southern from the tip of my hat (which isn't very high) all the way to my toenails, (which needs a good painting.) I was born and raised in Alabama. I say “Y'all” and “Ain't” and don't apologize for it, either.
In 1986, I was transplanted to Texas—the land of larger tales than even Alabama. I live with my husband, my teenage son—a boy who is six-two and wears a size 13 men's shoe—whom I'm convinced was swapped at birth with the baby of some professional basketball player. Also accompanying me in my abode are my four cats, one dog, and a pond of turtles. My daughter, artist extraordinaire, has already flown the nest, gotten hitched, and regularly brings my grandpuppy for lap-sitting visits. (Trust me. It's not as easy as it sounds.) My son-in-law is a nice guy. I’m pretty sure he’s only denied knowing me once. The fact that it was at the wedding stung a bit, but hey…I love him anyway.
Web Mistress—Question: Where did you go to school to get your degree?
Christie's Answer: Well, I went through Harvard. (I was in Boston and we drove right through the campus.) Actually, I graduated from a slightly less prestigious university, The College of Hard Knocks, with a degree in If-You-Want-it--Make-it-Happen and minored in the Art-of-BS—which I prefer to call fiction. Formal education aside, I'm a how-to book junkie, and an advocate of “never stop learning.”
Web Mistress—Question: Did you always know you wanted to be a writer?
Christie's Answer: Actually I had my heart set on Pro Basketball. But I always was a dreamer. Writing didn't come naturally, but the art of storytelling—AKA B-S'ing—did. (It might be a southern thing.) Of course, my dad swears up and down that I inherited my talent of making up crap from him. Hey…he is a contractor.
Web Mistress—Question: When and how did you start writing?
Christie's Answer: I started writing in '84 when my husband was trying to get me to go to college to become a Spanish teacher. In addition to BS’ing, I also have a knack for languages. I can say “Where’s the bathroom in about six languages.” Any how, when husband approached about the being a Spanish teacher, I had to come up with something I wanted to do real fast or he was signing my butt up for school.) So I blurted out the first career I could think of using the Alphabet as my guide. Animal Husbandry? I skipped that one. Attorney? Nah, I'm a better person than that. “Author! I want to be an author.” How perfect was that? I get to stay home and sit on my butt and write. Write? Well, there was that little problem. I'd have to learn how to do it first.
That little problem turned into a bigger one than I anticipated. But not being a quitter, I persevered and my Silhouette Romance was published in '94. Then things happened, editors quit, and the magazine publishing business called my name. Six years later, with almost 3000 national magazine credits and tired of being a one-book wonder, I started writing novels again. Breaking back in wasn't a piece of cake. For almost six years, I kicked, screamed and bit (I profusely apologizes to that one editor, too) until I found my break.
And what a break! Four books sold in one day. Still wearing pajamas, I got off the phone with my agent that morning, and sat there and stared at the cursor blinking on my computer screen. When my husband came home seven hours later, I was still sitting there in my PJs, staring at the blinking cursor. And the only thing I could say was…”Boy, I'm glad I didn't go into Animal Husbandry.”
Web Mistress—Question: Where do you get your ideas?
Christie's Answer: Generally, on the clearance rack at Wal-Mart. I hate this question, I'd rather tell someone my weight. (Okay that's the biggest lie I've told.) The truth is my answer is sort of sappy. And the last thing a southern woman wants to be accused of is being sappy. But here it goes… My stories are gifts—little gifts that sometimes show up out of nowhere. I'm not actually saying I have a writing angel who pops in with plots, but I do notice I get a lot more ideas when I'm maintaining a full life and not neglecting my friends, family, pets, or the spiritual side of life. And, yes, I also believe in karma.
Web Mistress—Question: Have you met all your goals?
Christie's Answer: I've met some and I'm working on some. My second goal of helping other writers is in the making. My nonfiction book, co-authored with Faye Hughes, THE EVERYTHING GUIDE TO WRITING ROMANCE NOVELS, is scheduled to hit the stores in September of 2008. I also offer writing workshops that are educational, motivational and entertaining. I love to share what I've learned and if you need to know how to ask about the whereabouts of the bathroom, I’ve got you covered.
Now, for that third goal, getting taller and making the BIG team? Well, I called the Rockets and informed them not to wait up on me. I'm pretty sure that writing novels is about as good as it gets.
So . . . that’s a little bit about me—my goals, my family, and the fact that I always like knowing where the bathroom is at. And to be honest, I’m big on goals. So tell me, do you have some goals you’re working on? What do you want to do when you grow up?
--Crime Scene Christie
My webmistress told me that I needed to answer some questions for my Christie's Info page. Now, this made me wonder what she'd spiked her coffee with that morning. Doesn't she know I'm Southern? Which basically means, not only am I long-winded, but I seldom tell the truth if a lie makes a better story. Nevertheless, against my better judgment, I agreed.
Web Mistress—Question: What are your goals?
Christie's Answer: (Is she kidding? Fine, I'll do it.) I have three goals in life. (Okay, that's a little white lie, I have more than three, but only three are PC enough to share.)
1. To write entertaining books that will make my readers laugh out loud and want to fall in love all over again. Readers may or may not then want to trade in their husbands for some hunky guys like my heroes or my real-life hero, my husband. (Okay that last part about my husband isn't really a lie, but I might be stretching it a bit.)
2. To help other people reach their dream of publication. (You might be thinking that's awfully generous of me, but I'm really not all that giving. I just love the high I get when I see other people meet their own goals. Plus, I figure they will be indebted to me and buy my books.)
3. To grow taller. (Let's just say that I don't get to enjoy all the rides at the theme parks.)
Now, I know that third goal presents a bit of a problem. Being like most women writers in their early thirties (the age thing is just an out-and-out lie,) I spend most of my time at the computer and enjoy working out my brain more than my body. That's why I'm considering altering the third goal to read…“To grow smaller.” Smaller, as in pants size and not in height.
Web Mistress—Question: Where are you from and where do you live now? Do you have family?
Christie's Answer: Southern from the tip of my hat (which isn't very high) all the way to my toenails, (which needs a good painting.) I was born and raised in Alabama. I say “Y'all” and “Ain't” and don't apologize for it, either.
In 1986, I was transplanted to Texas—the land of larger tales than even Alabama. I live with my husband, my teenage son—a boy who is six-two and wears a size 13 men's shoe—whom I'm convinced was swapped at birth with the baby of some professional basketball player. Also accompanying me in my abode are my four cats, one dog, and a pond of turtles. My daughter, artist extraordinaire, has already flown the nest, gotten hitched, and regularly brings my grandpuppy for lap-sitting visits. (Trust me. It's not as easy as it sounds.) My son-in-law is a nice guy. I’m pretty sure he’s only denied knowing me once. The fact that it was at the wedding stung a bit, but hey…I love him anyway.
Web Mistress—Question: Where did you go to school to get your degree?
Christie's Answer: Well, I went through Harvard. (I was in Boston and we drove right through the campus.) Actually, I graduated from a slightly less prestigious university, The College of Hard Knocks, with a degree in If-You-Want-it--Make-it-Happen and minored in the Art-of-BS—which I prefer to call fiction. Formal education aside, I'm a how-to book junkie, and an advocate of “never stop learning.”
Web Mistress—Question: Did you always know you wanted to be a writer?
Christie's Answer: Actually I had my heart set on Pro Basketball. But I always was a dreamer. Writing didn't come naturally, but the art of storytelling—AKA B-S'ing—did. (It might be a southern thing.) Of course, my dad swears up and down that I inherited my talent of making up crap from him. Hey…he is a contractor.
Web Mistress—Question: When and how did you start writing?
Christie's Answer: I started writing in '84 when my husband was trying to get me to go to college to become a Spanish teacher. In addition to BS’ing, I also have a knack for languages. I can say “Where’s the bathroom in about six languages.” Any how, when husband approached about the being a Spanish teacher, I had to come up with something I wanted to do real fast or he was signing my butt up for school.) So I blurted out the first career I could think of using the Alphabet as my guide. Animal Husbandry? I skipped that one. Attorney? Nah, I'm a better person than that. “Author! I want to be an author.” How perfect was that? I get to stay home and sit on my butt and write. Write? Well, there was that little problem. I'd have to learn how to do it first.
That little problem turned into a bigger one than I anticipated. But not being a quitter, I persevered and my Silhouette Romance was published in '94. Then things happened, editors quit, and the magazine publishing business called my name. Six years later, with almost 3000 national magazine credits and tired of being a one-book wonder, I started writing novels again. Breaking back in wasn't a piece of cake. For almost six years, I kicked, screamed and bit (I profusely apologizes to that one editor, too) until I found my break.
And what a break! Four books sold in one day. Still wearing pajamas, I got off the phone with my agent that morning, and sat there and stared at the cursor blinking on my computer screen. When my husband came home seven hours later, I was still sitting there in my PJs, staring at the blinking cursor. And the only thing I could say was…”Boy, I'm glad I didn't go into Animal Husbandry.”
Web Mistress—Question: Where do you get your ideas?
Christie's Answer: Generally, on the clearance rack at Wal-Mart. I hate this question, I'd rather tell someone my weight. (Okay that's the biggest lie I've told.) The truth is my answer is sort of sappy. And the last thing a southern woman wants to be accused of is being sappy. But here it goes… My stories are gifts—little gifts that sometimes show up out of nowhere. I'm not actually saying I have a writing angel who pops in with plots, but I do notice I get a lot more ideas when I'm maintaining a full life and not neglecting my friends, family, pets, or the spiritual side of life. And, yes, I also believe in karma.
Web Mistress—Question: Have you met all your goals?
Christie's Answer: I've met some and I'm working on some. My second goal of helping other writers is in the making. My nonfiction book, co-authored with Faye Hughes, THE EVERYTHING GUIDE TO WRITING ROMANCE NOVELS, is scheduled to hit the stores in September of 2008. I also offer writing workshops that are educational, motivational and entertaining. I love to share what I've learned and if you need to know how to ask about the whereabouts of the bathroom, I’ve got you covered.
Now, for that third goal, getting taller and making the BIG team? Well, I called the Rockets and informed them not to wait up on me. I'm pretty sure that writing novels is about as good as it gets.
So . . . that’s a little bit about me—my goals, my family, and the fact that I always like knowing where the bathroom is at. And to be honest, I’m big on goals. So tell me, do you have some goals you’re working on? What do you want to do when you grow up?
--Crime Scene Christie
Ah, com'on, Christie... You're cute and perky. You could still be a Rockets cheerleader!
ReplyDeleteWonderful interview!
I enjoyed it very much.
Polly aka Tambra Kendall
ReplyDeleteMe a cheerleader. . . ? Okay, I'm gonna give that one some thought.
However, I don't know if I can still do the splits.
Crime Scene Christie
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for posting. By the way, I really like your AKA. Tambra Kendalls sounds so . . . mysterious.
Crime Scene Christie
Good morning, Christie!
ReplyDeleteYou have a turtle pond? That sounds so sweet and pretty. Is it hard to maintain? Are the other animals jealous that the turtles have a pool on hot days? Are the turtles jealous that the cats have air conditioning? Given the things you've shared about your home life, I wonder if more animal anecdotes are forthcoming. I do so enjoy them. :)
ReplyDeleteYep. We built the ponds for water lilies, and got a token turtle for the grins of it. Shortly later, we somehow became the turtle people of the neighborhood. When someone found a turtle they brought it here, when someone decided their turtle had outgrown its fish bowl, they brought it here. One guy brought a turtle that he ran over. Poor thing lost one foot but other than that “Tripod” is fine and awaits his romaine and strawberries every morning.
We’re mostly a happy family, Jake, the lone canine, has taken a few swims with the turtles, so he may be jealous of their swimming hole. However, his biggest rival is the felines. He tolerates our indoor cats. Outdoors, he has a bad habit of chasing any nearby cat. However, I seriously believe he just thinks I collect them and simply wants to contribute to my collection.
Coming to the Craig house is akin to visiting a zoo. We are big-time, animal lovers. So yes, those animal anecdotes will be rolling in. You’ll also find them at my personal website, www.christie-craig.com and in my books. I haven’t written a book yet that doesn’t have animals.
Just last night we had an animal occurrence. My hubby pulled me away from my computer to see “something.” All my cats are indoors, but there's a few strays hanging about, so he leaves a bowl of food outside on the top of the barbeque grill. The grill backs up to the picture window in our living room. My four cats were lined on the sill, eyes wide. My son practically had his nose pressed to the window as well. I moved in expecting to see the opossum, which has appeared somewhat regularly, but nope, we now have a raccoon who has decided to call the Craig house his home. So there we were, four cats, one dog, and three humans staring at the raccoon, who continued to eat and stare back.
Crime Scene Christie
LOL Great interview.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Angie!
Too funny, Christie. But since I know you so well, I'll say that you owned up to every lie you told - and being an old friend of the Crime Scene, I can assure everyone, Christie's home is FULL of animal stories.
ReplyDeleteChristie even immortalized a couple of my kitties in her pictures - and got my boy, Humphey Bogart, 'published' in a pet magazine long ago (making me jealous, of course). :-)
Jo Anne
LOL. Great post, Christie! And I swear, I thought you were going to talk about the lizard.
ReplyDelete(I have a hunch one day soon CC will share the story of her husband, the Geico lizard, a hit cat named Skitter and a little spot of blackmail.)
Great interview!
ReplyDeleteJo Anne,
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting. Yep, I'm afraid those who know we well, know most of stuff is based on truth. Just had to believe truth.
And hey, Humphey Bogart was just too cute. What was even funnier is that when I showed you the picture you said..."You know, that cat kind of looks like Bogart."
Crime Scene Christie
ReplyDeleteLOL. I'm saving the Geico lizard/blackmail story for another post. Actually, I'm hoping Geico sort of forgets about it before I post it.
However, if anyone is really wanting to know, they can look on my website, at the Christie's Musing page and click onto the link that says... For those of you who have a little voyeurism in them, click here. Believe me, it's not X-rated. It's not even PG, but you'll get a chuckle. (And by the way, it's all my husband fault!)
Crime Scene Christie
Nice interview, Christie. And not to worry about the fabrications. You write fiction. Fibs are not only expected--but required.
ReplyDeleteFunny stuff!
Pro Basketball, eh? Too fun. Great interview. I loved your answer about schooling.
ReplyDeleteYep, I think fibs are a small part of the business.
Making up stuff is what we do.
Crime Scene Christie
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting. :-)
Who knows...I still might make the pros. I never give up.
Crime Scene Christie
Great interview, Christie! You are in good company too. Love all of the authors in this group. Books that will definately get you in trouble as you laugh out loud while you are on jury duty! Uh on, did I say that. Hope the judge didn't see that. LOL
ReplyDeleteReally Christie, it's great getting to know you better.
Jan, WHRWA and KBB
Hi Jan,
ReplyDelete(See me waving at you.) Now, I don't want to get you in trouble during jury duty, but hey, if a good does, tell the judge to pick up a copy of the book and read it before they throw you in jail.
Crime Scene Christie
Hey, Christie. Never give up your goals. I predict that next lifetime you'll be 5'10". Love your blogs. I can hardly wait to read DDD.
ReplyDeleteHi Jan H.!!!
ReplyDeleteGirl, you've been an inspiration on goal setting for as long as I've known you. Thanks! And hey, 5'10" sounds really good!!!
Crime Scene Christie
Loved the interview!
ReplyDeleteJust reading your posts makes me want to read your books! And I will, that's a promise!
ReplyDeleteGreat post Christie, This tells alot about you. I really enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting. Come back and visit us often.
Crime Scene Christie
Sassy Sistah,
ReplyDeleteOh, I love you! Thank you so much. You'll have to let me know if my books hold up to my blogs.
Thanks again!
Crime Scene Christie
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting. We are just a bunch of crazy gals having fun.
And as they say here in the south, "Ya'll come back ya here."
Crime Scene Christie
on number 2 under goals ... you got me with that one. ask me how many books i have ever read from cover to cover only one guess what it was YOUR first book. im not kidding either. I am so excited that your books are coming out i have never wanted to read so bad in my entire life. In case yall dotn know and i aint teling no lies.
ReplyDeleteChristie and i grew up together and she has always been the entertainer.
Spend the night parties at her house were the best.
thanks for posting your interview and i can hardly wait til the first book hits the shelf.
I'm getting the hometown prepared for the celebration.
Really loved the interview... my goal is to finish college and get starting on a job!
ReplyDeleteI, too, can be counted among the
height-challenged persons of this world. I recently had to re-hem
all my pants due to my condition,
which is also known as "aging."
Oh, well, maybe next life! By the
way, I enjoyed the interview!!
Pat Cochran
ReplyDeletecan't believe I have never read any of your books. I love this genre and the interview was hilarious. I will make a point of reading you.
ReplyDeleteShhh.... Don't tell these people about the wild parties I used to throw. Didn't we put bras in the freezer once?
Crime Scene Christie
ReplyDeleteThose are great goals. So what kind of job are you going for?
Crime Scene Christie
ReplyDeleteDon't you hate going to the grocery store and seeing what you need on the top shelf...and there's only one left, so it's pushed way back?
We should protest and make them leave out step ladders.
Crime Scene Christie
ReplyDeleteWhere do I need to send that check to for that wonderful comment. Oh gosh, thank you so much, you made my day.
Crime Scene Christie
Well the job I am going after is becoming a doctor... and getting on with a speciality!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed your interview and I was impressed when you said one of your goals was to help new becoming others... you must be quite the altruist... which is great!
ReplyDeleteThanx for the get to know me bit... I don't knowwhy but I always liek to know more about the authors that I read.
ReplyDeleteA doctor. Wow! I'm so impressed.
You go girl. Make those dreams come true!
Crime Scene Christie
ReplyDeleteI'm don't know if I'm an altriist. But I know a lot of writers gave me a hand when I was learning the craft by giving workshops, and writing how-to books, and judging unpublished contests. I appreciated that. Now I enjoy doing the same.
Crime Scene Christie
ReplyDeleteI'm exactly the same. I want to know about the authors of the books I read. I know I see threads of my real life and my personality meshed in my books, (yes, we really are that crazy here) that when I read others, I wonder if they too are reflecting bits of themselves.
ReplyDeleteGrocery stores, argh..........
I'm married to a tall Texan and we
usually shop together, so I don't often run into the highest shelf
in the store problem. A couple of
times lately, I've had to wait until a tall employee or a tall customer wanders by. I'm not the least bit embarrassed by having to ask for assistance (or borrowing someone's husband for a couple of seconds) when I need a top shelf
Pat Cochran
Christie, You said, "Doesn't she know I'm Southern? Which basically means, not only am I long-winded, but I seldom tell the truth if a lie makes a better story. Nevertheless, against my better judgment, I agreed."
ReplyDeleteChristie, I think Southerners, especially Southern women are great story tellers, usually adding great details. We don't really "lie" we just embellish the truth generously.
Thanks for the interview!
ReplyDeleteOkay, I'm laughing. I can imagine the look of some women when you tap them on the shoulder and ask to borrow their husbands.
But hey, I may try it.
Crime Scene Christie
ReplyDeleteHmmm.... I like how you worded that. We embellish the truth generously with great details. Yep, that sounds good.
Crime Scene Christie
bra in the freezer?, i wondered why i couldnt get warm that moring, after i left your house.
ReplyDeleteWell, Thanx for the encouragement... med school is not always easy, but very rewarding.
ReplyDeleteWell I am glad I am not the only one who likes to read author's biography and you are an author! Great and I thought I was weird...
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy your blog... sometimes you post a comment and answer a question but no one even responds... but that is not the case here :)
ReplyDeleteOh Terry?
ReplyDeleteWas it your bra?
Crime Scene Christie
ReplyDeleteI've found when it's too easy, it's not hardly as rewarding. Even the books that I struggled over are the ones I think are the best.
Crime Scene Christie
ReplyDeleteWierd is good. Although, I really like the the word eccentric a tab better. Basically, it's wierd with a touch of class.
Crime Scene Christie
ReplyDeleteThanks. Communicating with our readers is the whole purpose of Killer Fiction. We appreciate your comments.
Crime Scene Christie